By Cyndi Sellers
The Cameron Parish Police Jury will meet on Friday morning, May 15 for its agenda and voting meetings. The meetings will not be open to the public unless the Governor announces changes to the current restrictions next week. Under provisions of the executive order, Jurors may be present by teleconferencing or other electronic means, meeting the quorum requirement.
The public will be allowed to send questions or comments regarding items on the agenda to be read into the record of the meeting. Questions and comments can be submitted in advance by telephone to 337-775-5718, fax to 337-775-5567, or email to Mary Carroll, Secretary, at The person’s name and address will be required for questions or comments to be considered at the meeting.
At the 10 a.m. agenda meeting, only a review of the voting agenda is scheduled at this time. The voting meeting will follow at 11 a.m. There are currently several permits and appointments on the agenda, as well as three ordinance changes and a land purchase.
The Jury will vote on approving the purchase of property in Hackberry by the Parish Library, for the purpose of building a new branch library. The 0.7196 acre property is located at the corner of 613 Main Street and 120 Legion Road, and the purchase price is $101,400.
The Jury will also hold a public hearing and vote on an ordinance change allowing the appointment of up to seven Library Board members. The change from five members was approved over 10 years ago by simple vote, but the ordinance was never amended.
A vote will also be held on changing the speed limit on Parish Road 225 (Miller Ave.) in Grand Chenier to 15 mph, and abandoning the north 120 feet of PR 3135 (C Street) in Cameron.
The full agenda is published in the legal advertisements in this paper. Additional agenda items may be added next week, but there will be no agenda add-ons allowed at this public meeting