
Lower Cameron Ambulance Service District Board of Commissioners Meeting
August 30, 2023
Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary D. Booth.
Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer were led by Mrs. Booth.
Board Roll call: Present – Mary Booth, Christine Mooney, Melissa Kiffe.
Mrs. Booth read the agenda aloud. No amendments to the agenda were proposed.
Ms. Mooney motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting, June 26, 2023. Second by Mrs. Kiffe. None opposed. Motion carried.
Director, Byron Broussard presented the director’s report for June and July which included, call volume reports, payments received on accounts, expense reports, cash asset report, and tax revenues received. Expense reports were reviewed and signed by each present member. An account adjustment report was presented and signed by the meeting chairperson. A balance sheet was presented and reviewed. Mr. Broussard reported that the district received a settlement check, through mitigation, for additional damages sustained to properties during Hurricane Laura in the amount of $421,500.00.
Mrs. Kiffe motioned to accept and approve the director’s report. Second by Ms. Mooney. None opposed. Motion carried.
Jason LeBlanc, CPA of Lester, Miller & Wells presented the audit report for the audit year 2021.
Mrs. Kiffe motioned to accept and approve the Audit report. Second by Ms. Mooney. None opposed. Motion carried.
The following policy amendments were presented by Mr. Broussard and approved, unanimously by the board:
51.0 Weapons
Employees will not bring into or have in their possession, while inside a company facility, or any emergency response vehicle, any gun or weapon of any description, except a common pocketknife. Notices will be posted inside the stations at each entrance, visible upon entry.
53.7 Sexual Harassment
LCASD expressly prohibits sexual advances (willing or unwilling), request for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which could be construed as sexual harassment by any employee. This includes but is not limited to immoral or dirty jokes, nick names which are considered immoral or distasteful, discussion of sexual activities, body parts, sexually oriented reading material, sexually oriented games, and products will not be discussed while on company premises or in company vehicles. Sexual misconduct by employees while on company premises or in company vehicles is strictly prohibited and will be grounds for immediate and unconditional termination. Obligations of Superiors Concerning Sexual Harassment is to ensure that all reports, both formal and informal are addressed promptly and thoroughly provide education for all employees relating to sexual harassment, provide work atmosphere free of sexual harassment for all employees, ensure that all personnel are aware of this policy and how to seek relief under this policy.
Amended 8-30-23 by Adding:
Mandatory Training Requirements – La. R.S. 42:343
• Each public servant shall receive a minimum of one hour of education and training on
preventing sexual harassment during each full calendar year of his public employment or
term of office, as the case may be.
• An agency head shall require supervisors and any persons designated by the agency to accept or investigate a complaint of sexual harassment in his agency to receive additional education and training.
• The education and training may be received either in person or via the internet through training and education materials approved by the public servant’s agency head. Also, please remember you’re off duty actions reflect on your fellow employees and on Cameron Parish EMS.
• Management will complete a yearly report regarding sexual harassment cases in compliance with La. R.S. 42:344. regardless of how many or few cases occurred and submit the report to the auditors during the yearly audit. This report will also be filed in the district’s office records.
Mr. Broussard presented a report on the accessory building project. Asst. Director, John LaBove, has received proposals and quotes from several contractors. Mr. Broussard stated that the some of the proposals can be eliminated because they were not in line with what the district needs, in order to accommodate the required equipment storage area. He explained that he will need to spend more time collecting information before he can present a final recommendation for the board to consider.
Ms. Kiffe Motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second by Ms. Mooney. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.
RUN: Oct. 26 (O 49)