The unofficial but complete Nov. 18th Election results according to the Louisiana Secretary of State website are:
Secretary of State: Nancy Landry, R, 446,038 votes or 67%; “Gwen” Collins-Greenup, D, 221,698 votes or 33%
Attorney General: “Liz” Baker Merrill, R, 444,081 votes or 66%; Lindsey Cheek, D, 225,011 votes or 34%
Treasurer: John Fleming, R, 437,303 votes or 65%; Dustin Granger, D, 230,961 or 35%
Four Constitutional Amendments were on the ballot with Nos. 1-3 passing and No. 4 failing.
CA No. 1 (Act 278, 2022 – HB 166) — Provides relative to timing of gubernatorial action on a bill and related matters. Yes, 386,854 votes or 61%; No 247,131 votes or 39%.
CA No. 2 (ACT 199, 2023 – HB 254) — Repeals certain funds in the state treasury. Yes, 346,492 votes or 55%; No, 286,997 votes or 45%.
CA No. 3 (ACT 179, 2023 – SB 127) — Provides for an ad valorem tax exemption for certain first responders. Yes, 338,560 votes or 53%; No, 300,250 votes or 47%.
CA No. 4 (ACT 198, 2023 – HB 244) — Provides relative to the use of monies in the Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund. No, 353,373 votes or 56%; Yes, 277,770 votes or 44%.
BESE District 7: Kevin M. Berken, R, 49,775 votes or 53%; Erick Knezek, R, 44,047 votes or 47%.
Police Juror – District 4 (2 to be elected): John “Johnny” Watson, R, 302 votes or 30%; Danny Myers, R, 295 votes of 30%; Wendell Wilkerson, R, 273 votes or 27%; Kirk Quinn, 130 votes or 13%.
Police Juror – District 5: Mark Daigle, R, 178 votes or 50%; Earnestine “Tina” Horn, I, 178 votes or 50%
(According to Effect of a tie vote. If, as a result of a tie vote in a general election, the number of candidates who would be elected to the office exceeds the number of persons to be elected to the office, the candidates who received the same number of votes for that office in general election are not elected. The election for officers thus not elected shall be returned to the people on the third Saturday after the date on which the results in the election at which the tie vote occurred were promulgated.)
Three propostions on the ballot passed:
Parishwide Proposition No. 1 of 2 — 2.64 Mills Renewal – PJ – 10 Yrs. Yes, 869 votes or 62%; No, 542 votes or 38%.
Parishwide Proposition No. 2 of 2 — 1.32 Mills Renewal – PJ – 10 Yrs. Yes, 796 votes or 56%; 621 votes or 44%.
PW Consolidated Garbage Dist. No. One — 7.86 Mills Renewal – PJ – 10 Yrs. Yes, 1064 votes or 75%; No, 358, 25%.