
Cameron Parish
Ambulance District 2
CPAD2 met on Jan. 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the CPAD2 Office at 979 Main St. Hackberry, La. 70645
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge led by Mrs. Simon
Prayer led by Mrs. Simon
Members Present: Calise Romero, Randall McFatter, Phyllis Doxey, Kattie Toups and Kathleen Simon.
Members Absent: Lynn Griffith
Guest: Darla, Brad, Troy, Jeff, Chelsea and Rhonda. Via Phone Charles Norman.
Members approved the November 16, 2022 board minutes with a motion by Mr. McFatter and a 2nd by Mrs. Simon and carried unopposed.
When ask there were no public comments.
Old Business:
1. Architect Jeff Kudla this item was tabled with a motion by Mrs. Simon and a 2nd by Mrs. Doxey with the motion carrying unanimously.
New Business:
1. Mrs. Perry gave the payroll, bill and budget to actual budget report Mr. McFatter made a motion to accept payroll, bills and budget to actual report a 2nd was made by Mrs. Simon, motion carried.
2. Rhonda presented the board with a quote for cargo lifts for our Johnson Bayou, Holly Beach and Big Lake station. As there was only one quote the board requested to table until we get at least one other quote. Motion to table by Mrs. Simon, 2nd by Mr. Romero motion carried.
3. Mrs. Coleman gave her directors report and with a motion by Mr. McFatter and a second by Mrs. Simon motion carried to accept the report.
4. With there being no further business to discuss Mrs. Simon made a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr. McFatter made a 2nd and meeting adjourned with no opposition.
RUN: Mar. 30 (M 63)