
Minutes of Meeting –
January 19, 2023
Hackberry Waterworks Office
Members Present: Wesley Hardin, Jared Desormeaux, Bobby Stansel, Will Aucoin, Gordon Gremillion
Employees Present: Brad Hinton and Shaun Kyle
The meeting was called to order by president Wesley Hardin and the following business was discussed.
Public Comment: None
The December Minutes and Financial Report were distributed to the board for review prior to the meeting.
On motion of Jared Desormeaux, seconded by Bobby Stansel and carried unanimously the Board approved the previous meeting minutes.
On motion of Will Aucoin, seconded by Jared Desormeaux and carried unanimously the Board elected to invest in two CDs with B1 Bank. One 12-month CD for $250,000 and one 24-month CD for $250,000.
Findings from the last field meeting were discussed. The Board discussed replacing tide markers to improve drainage along Ben Wright Rd., Lowry Rd., and Floyd Little Rds. There are a few more trees to be cleared along the Delcambre drainage ditch and they will contact Road and Bridges to make a plan of action for the Ben Wright Rd. and Hwy. 27 area drainage.
On motion of Gordon Gremillion, seconded by Will Aucoin and carried unanimously the Board approved renting equipment to clear laterals in Gum Cove for the month of February.
On motion of Jared Desormeaux, seconded by Bobby Stansel and carried unanimously the Board accepted the December 2022 Financial Report, Actual vs. Budget Report, and approved the invoices for payment.
On motion of Jared Desormeaux, seconded by Bobby Stansel and carried unanimously the meeting was adjourned.
Wesley Hardin/President
Shaun Kyle/Secretary -Treasurer
RUN: Mar. 30 (M 57)