
Lower Cameron Ambulance Service District Board of Commissioners Meeting
October 23, 2023
Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary D. Booth.
Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer were led by Mrs. Booth.
Board Roll call: Present – Mary Booth, Kevin Vincent, Melissa Kiffe.
Mrs. Booth read the agenda aloud. An amendment to add a report on the ambulance fleet, presented by Oscar Reyes, was proposed by Mrs. Booth. None opposed. Motion carried.
Ms. Kiffe motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting, August 30, 2023. Second by Mr. Vincent. None opposed. Motion carried.
Director, Byron Broussard presented the director’s report for August and September which included, call volume reports, payments received on accounts, expense reports, cash asset report, and tax revenues received. Expense reports were reviewed and signed by each present member. An account adjustment report was presented and signed by the meeting chairperson. A balance sheet was presented and reviewed.
Mr. Broussard also advised that the district’s payroll bank account had four fraudulent withdrawals totaling $131,225.00. This was discovered approximately two hours prior to the meeting. The bank has been contacted and the account was frozen. The bank’s fraud department will investigate, and the district will be notified on how to proceed with corrective action.
Mr. Broussard reviewed the proposals for an accessory building to be built at the Creole site. He recommended the quote from Savoy & Son. The owner had been communicating with the Cameron Permitting Office about the commercial requirements for the construction of the building and had also acquired drawings of the proposed structure at no cost to the district. His current quote does not include electrical work because he is waiting for the electrician to submit his charges. The board discussed tabling the approval of a contract until all the charges are included in the proposal. Mrs. Kiffe motioned to table the matter. Seconded by Mr. Vincent. None opposed. Motion carried.
Oscar Reyes presented a report on recent maintenance issues with the existing ambulance fleet. Some of the repairs are being held up, on the older units, because of the unavailability of parts on the older vehicles. He also reported on the status of the new ambulance builds recently ordered by the district. One chassis is on site and is reserved for the district at the ambulance manufacturer, however the manufacturer is extremely backed up. The chassis for the two additional ambulances, ordered by the district, have not yet been delivered due to factory delays. He mentioned that the current auto builders’ strike could be affecting the extreme wait times and difficulty with finding parts.
Mrs. Kiffe motioned to accept and approve the director’s report. Second by Mr. Vincent. None opposed. Motion carried.
Ms. Kiffe Motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second by Mr. Vincent. None opposed. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Thank you,
Byron Broussard, Director
Lower Cameron Ambulance Service District
RUN: Mar. 21 (M 28)