
August 1, 2023
The Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District met in regular session on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at the Port Board Building, Cameron, Louisiana at 5:00 o’clock PM.
Present: Howard Romero, Tremayne Picou, Kevin Vincent, Dwight Savoie, Brent Morales, Thomas Cox, Vince Theriot, Alfred Devall
Absent: Jimmy Brown, Nathan Griffith, Sheila Miller
Guests: Gus Fontenot- SWLA Development Alliance, Bryon Richard- Lonnie Harper & Associates, Tony Dietz- Providence Engineering, Johnathan Mclemore- USCG, Beth Newton- USCG
Parish Agencies: Kim Montie, Port Director, Tianna Dunaway, Asst. Port Director, Tom Barrett- District Attorney, Chelsea Champagne- Assistant District Attorney
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Howard Romero.
Brent Morales led the Pledge of Allegiance and Dwight Savoie gave the invocation.
There was no public comment.
On the motion of Mr. Cox, seconded by Mr. Picou and carried the board approved the May 30, 2023 regular meeting minutes.
On the motion of Mr. Cox seconded by Mr. Picou and carried the board approved the treasurer’s report.
On the motion of Mr. Picou, seconded by Mr. Morales and carried the board approved payment of the July 2023 bills.
On the motion of Mr. Savoie, seconded by Mr. Devall and carried the board ratified payment of the June 2023 bills.
The Board reviewed the actuals and the budget.
Under correspondence the board reviewed a records request from Most and Associates.
There were no reports from commissioners.
Under old business the board discussed the Advisian master plan, the coast guard bulletin ad renewal and the Southland Environmental Phase 2 results.
The board decided to table the master plan to discuss and review again.
On the motion of Mr. Picou, seconded by Mr. Devall and carried the board approved the coast guard bulletin ad renewal.
On the motion of Mr. Morales, seconded by Mr. Cox and carried the board approved signing of the cash warranty deed with Lucy’s Land Holding’s.
Under new business the board discussed a letter of support for SWLA Regional Planning Commission needed for a $1 million Hazard Mitigation Grant for planning a series of reservoirs throughout Region 4 Watershed.
On the motion of Mr. Savoie, seconded by Mr. Vincent and carried the board gave the president authority to sign the letter of support.
Mrs. Kim Montie gave a staff report. She updated the board on the AOC Park, Lighthouse Bend, and the Fishing Festival. She informed them of the LA Competes Economic Development Program. She also invited the board to the Legisgator Luncheon which will be on August 18, 2023.
On the motion of Mr. Savoie, seconded by Mr. Cox and carried the board went into executive session to complete the director’s first year evaluation.
On the motion of Mr. Picou, seconded by Mr. Cox and carried the board came out of executive session.
The next regular meeting will be scheduled for August 29, 2023, at 5 PM at the Cameron Parish Port Building.
There being no further business and upon motion of Mr. Cox seconded by Mr. Morales and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
/s/ Howard Romero
Howard Romero, Chairman
Sheila Miller, Secretary
RUN: Dec. 28 (D 34)