
?Holly Beach Sub-Committee
The Holly Beach Sub-Committee met in regular session on Friday, July 22, 2022, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Cody Norman, who led the pledge and prayer.
Sub-committee board members present were President Cody Norman, Nikki Norman, and Fred Zag. Guest Michele Long took the minutes.
Old Business:
No old business to report.
New Business:
Cody Norman reported that the parish right-of-way to the beach entrances have been cleared to the original dimensions, and the new signs have been placed by the parish. Next, the sub-committee will request that the parish put gravel material back along the sides of boulevards/parish right of way to allow for more stable parking.
Cody Norman reported that The Welcome to Holly Beach sign landscaping requires routine maintenance of mowing and weeding. Rodney East suggested all of the landscaping be pulled up and put weed blocker down and then replanted. Craig Broussard discussed contacting the Sheriff and getting inmates to come pull weeds. Cassandra Corner said she is willing to host an event with hotdogs and drinks in front of the sign and invite Holly Beach residents/visitors to a Weeding Party to get the sign landscaping back in shape.
On the motion of Cody Norman, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, Cassandra will be asked to host a Weeding Party event at the sign, and Cody Norman will continue to mow for another month. The issue will be revisited at next month’s meeting.
Holly Beach now owns the beach sweeper for use exclusively at Holly Beach. It will require repairs that should cost approximately $400-$500. Craig Broussard made a motion to publicize and start collecting money for its running and maintaining expenses and fuel, and he will donate the first $100. Cody suggested using his trailer, piling the trash on it, and taking it to the dump. In the event of excessive seaweed as in the past, the seaweed will have to be moved by the parish outside of Holly Beach to collect sand and aid in building dunes.
Cody Norman informed the sub-committee of the donation of $22,737.60 made by the former Holly Beach Sewer Board through Ray Miller. The donation is earmarked for a future undetermined project for Holly Beach. Cody has asked for project ideas to be discussed at the next meeting.
Cody Norman asked if the sub-committee wanted to pursue getting the roads in Holly Beach designated for legal driving of side by sides, golf carts, and 4 wheelers. All drivers will have to be licensed drivers, have no open containers, etc. On the motion of Cody Norman, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, Terry Gaspard has volunteered to take the lead and investigate this issue. Cody Norman said that this designation would not go into effect until next spring if it is passed.
Cody Norman informed the sub-committee that there will no longer be dumpsters placed in Holly Beach. Everyone will be required to take all trash to the dump. The hours have been extended, and the committee will ask the parish to be consistent with its hours. One successful example was noted. Terry Gaspard has a trailer where all of his renters place their trash, and he dumps it as needed. On the motion of Craig Broussard, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, all landlords/rentals/RV parks are responsible for their own trash.
Rodney East asked about a rinse off station being added to Holly Beach. Cody Norman stated that the splash pad is the only place for visitors to rinse off at this time.
The next meeting will be announced on Facebook. Nikki Norman will collect email addresses to create a distribution list for future communication and information. Fred Zag asked that the people in attendance go out and invite neighbors and others to the next meeting.
There being no further business, on the motion of Cody Norman, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
RUN: Aug. 4 (Au 7)