
Cameron Parish Beachfront
Development District #1
Johnson Bayou • Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 2022, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Richard Burbank, who led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Chairman Richard Burbank, Vice-Chairman Russell Badon, Nikki Norman, Michele Long, and Secretary Cindy Snead. Guests present were Cameron Parish Police, Juror Sonny McGee; NOAA Louisiana Marine Mammal standing network coordinator, Lauren Noble; NOAA Louisiana Sea Turtle network coordinator, Lyndsey Howell; and East Coast Observers SWLA Sea Turtle Stranding coordinator, Trish Bargo.
On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, the minutes for the June 13, 2022 meeting was approved as presented.
Old Business:
Cody Norman reported that the parish right-of-way to the beach entrances have been cleared to the original dimensions. The new signs are ready to be placed by the parish. Also, Cody suggested the parish put gravel material along the boulevards/parish right of way to allow for more stable parking. Sonny McGee directed the board to reach out to the parish regarding the gravel.
Michele Long updated the board on the Little Florida/Beach Blvd. Protection Project. The parish has completed the material foundation part of the project. 60/40 soil is being added and Oceanview/Little Florida residents will plant vegetation on the dunes and add walkovers to complete the project. The Cheniere Foundation donated an additional $10,000 dollars to the project to off set increase in costs.
New Business:
Cody Norman reported that the Holly Beach Subcommittee’s next meeting will be Friday July 22nd. They will discuss the Holly Beach sign landscape maintenance and further boulevard clearings to enable opportunities for more parking. Also, a major topic of concern will be the discussion of neighborhood trash issues.
Michele Long informed the board of the donation of $22,737.60 made by the former Holly Beach Sewer Board through Ray Miller. The donation is earmarked for a future undetermined project for Holly Beach. The board will keep Mr. Miller informed as to the status and use of this generous donation.
Craig Broussard updated the board as to June’s financial spreadsheet and its expenditures, donations, and account information.
Michele Long presented a rough draft of the board bylaws and standing rules. On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the board will meet in closed session on Monday August 8th at 5:30 p.m. to discuss the draft of the bylaws and standing rules.
Lauren Noble educated the board and the audience on mammal and sea turtle strandings along our beaches. Information stickers were handed out to help spread the word on what to do in case of a stranding. Their teams will be on the beaches surveying and looking for stranded marine mammals and sea turtles.
On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, Tammy Erbelding was appointed to Cameron Parish Beachfront Development Board District #1.
Open Session:
Sonny McGee reported on the upcoming work being done on Long Beach Road. Work is set to begin next week. Also, the parish is compiling a list of damaged properties post hurricane. The public is asked to report such properties to the parish ASAP.
Michele Long updated the board on all of the accomplishments made by the board in the last year.
1.Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Facebook page
2.Cleaning of the Hwy 27 ditches of debris
3.Multiple Beach Sweeps
4.New “Welcome to West Cameron Parish Beaches” Brochures
5.“Stay off Dunes” and “No Littering” signs for the beaches
6.”Welcome to Holly Beach” sign and landscaping
7.Ordinance Change for Holly Beach
8.Causeway Boat Launch sign, remodel, landscaping, and Ribbon Cutting on Thursday, April 28, 2021
9.Discussions with the Coast Guard regarding boating and boat launch safety
10.Discussions with Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries (Cpl. Michael Hebert from “Louisiana Law” was complimentary on the new improvements to the boat launch and was excited to see people interested in making the parish better.)
11. Eleven new entrance rules signs for Holly Beach, Mae’s Beach, Long Beach, and Little Florida Beach
12. Widening boulevards in Holly Beach to provide better access and parking for visitors
13. “No Driving on Beach” signs installed in prohibited areas in Zones 1 & 3
14. Beach Blvd. Protection Project on Little Florida Beach
15. Cameron Parish Police Jury Meetings
16. Sheriff Ron Johnson and staff meetings
Payment of Bills: No bills to be paid.
The next meeting will be August 8, 2022.
There being no further business, on the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
RUN: Aug. 4 (Au 6)