Architectural renderings for SCHS Gym were presented at CPSB meeting

By Jeffra Wise DeViney

The regular meeting of the Cameron Parish School Board was held on Monday, Nov. 11, beginning at 5 p.m. at 510 Marshall St.

School Board Members in attendance were: Marsha Trahan, Dist. 1; Christi LaBove, Dist. 2; Vickie Kiffe, Dist. 5; Sharon Picou, Dist. 6; and Joseph Delcambre, Dist. 7. Absentee were the following Members: Mitchel Kelley, Dist 4; Telesha Bertrand, Dist. 3; and Randall Faulk, Dist. 8.

After Sharon Picou called the meeting to order the Prayer and Pledge were held. Motion carried to approve the agenda and motion carried to approve the board minutes of the Oct. 14, 2024 regular meeting of the Cameron Parish School Board.

Motion carried for authorization of payment of the bills.

Motion carried to adopt Resolution to issue Bonds and become a member of LCDA.

Motion carried for Temporary Easement, Servitude and Right of Way Agreement-Grand-White Lake Land Bridge Project.

Motion carried for approval to provide letter of support for a Usage-Driven site designation within the Foreign Trade Zone 291 Commonwealth terminal site in Cameron.

Current construction activities were presented by James Hoffpauir, Project Management.
Pending Insurance and FEMA Review

Johnson Bayou High School Track – FEMA Obligated project Oct. 22, 2024.

Will proceed with soil testing.

South Cameron High School – Various Final Restoration Repairs – Miscellaneous
Repairs to Athletic Field Structures (Stadium Light Poles and Bleachers) – In
FEMA Management’s Review. Additional Information Submitted

South Cameron High School – Men’s Restroom, Women’s Restroom, and Concession Stand – In FEMA Review for Cost Update

South Cameron High School New Gym Complex – Project was obligated by FEMA on Dec. 21, 2023, for $12,825,812.80 which is 90% of the eligible obligated amount after insurance reduction. FEMA accepted additional information. Project proceeding.

Motion carried to approve Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Louisiana Fur and Wildlife

Executive Session for the purpose of update of insurance litigation was held with no necessary action taken.

Superintendent Charley Lemons gave a reminder that the regular December meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 9. He also noted that it was Veterans Day and he said “ thanks to all Veterans and it was great to see our schools have programs.”

Motion carried to adjourn the meeting.