Tuesday, March 28, 2023
The Cameron Parish Water and Wastewater District No. 1 Board met in regular session on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. in the water district office located at 126 Ann Street in the town of Cameron, Louisiana.
Guests: Brent Morales, Coastal Cans, LLC; Todd Henry, Gulf Waste CES, LLC; Mitch Thomas, K & M Project Services, LLC; Scott Trahan, Cameron Parish Police Juror
President Chris Mooney called the meeting to order.
The Pledge was led by Chris Mooney and the voluntary Prayer was led by Chris Mooney
Roll Call: Present: Chris Mooney, Tammy Peshoff, Tammy Vincent, and Kathy Guthrie
Absent: Fred Sanders
On a motion by Tammy Peshoff, seconded by Kathy Guthrie and carried, to approve and dispense from reading the regular session February 2023 minutes.
On a motion by Tammy Vincent, seconded by Tammy Peshoff and carried, to approve the financial statement, including the Actual vs Budget, for the month of February 2023.
On a motion by Kathy Guthrie, seconded by Tammy Vincent and carried, that the bills for the month of February 2023 be paid.
On a motion by Tammy Peshoff, seconded by Kathy Guthrie and carried, to raise the sewer dumping rate from .06¢ to .10¢ beginning April 1, 2023.
On a motion by Tammy Peshoff, seconded by Tammy Vincent and carried, to open and accept sealed bids for 2007 generator. The board accepted the bid from Kendal Boudreaux in the amount of $2,600.00.
On a motion by Tammy Peshoff, seconded by Kathy Guthrie and carried, to advertise for sealed bids for chlorine and phosphates, bids are to be opened at the April 25, 2023.
On a motion by Kathy Guthrie, seconded by Tammy Vincent and carried, to send pre-event emergency preparedness letters to contractors for the 2023 hurricane season.
On a motion by Tammy Peshoff, seconded by Kathy Guthrie and carried, to appoint Kim Murphy and Lisa Benoit as the Ethics designees.
On a motion by Kathy Guthrie, seconded by Tammy Peshoff and carried, to hire Sciphyn, Inc. to scan the sewer pond for the depth of the sewer sludge.
On a motion by Kathy Guthrie, seconded by Tammy Peshoff and carried, there being no further business, the meeting stands adjourned.
Chris Mooney, President
Cameron Parish Water &
Wastewater #1
Kim Murphy, Secretary
Custodian of Records
RUN: Apr. 27 (A 47)