
February 21, 2024
There was a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Water District No. 2 at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at the Hackberry Waterworks Office.
PRESENT: Mr. Mark Trahan, Mr. Donald Buford, Mr. Brad Hinton, Mr. Mike Welch, Mr. Brian Brown
Employees present: Mr. Glenn Welch, Mr. Dalton Nunez, and Mrs. Shaun Kyle
Guests: Andrew Mattingly – Meyers & Assoc. Engineering Firm
The meeting was called to order by Board President Mark Trahan who also led the pledge and prayer.
Public Comment period was given on all agenda items. No comments were made.
On motion of Brad Hinton, seconded by Donald Buford and carried unanimously, the minutes from the January 17, 2024 meetings were approved.
Andrew Mattingly with Meyers & Assoc. presented cost options for a new ground storage tank at Wellsite #3. The Board opted to inquire with the Police Jury to acquire additional land next to Wellsite #3 to accommodate the new tank.
On motion of Brad Hinton, seconded by Mike Welch and carried unanimously, the Board elected to adopt the SOP for the LNG Pump Building Valves.
On motion of Brad Hinton, seconded by Donald Buford and carried unanimously, the Board elected to amend the 2024 Budget to accommodate the increased cost of the water tower maintenance.
On motion of Brad Hinton, seconded by Brian Brown and carried unanimously, the Board elected to advertise to accept sealed bids for the 2 queen beds and frames in the Cameron Pilot for two weeks and bids will be opened at the March meeting.
The discussion of employee work schedule was tabled.
Monthly Operator updates were presented by Glenn Welch and Dalton Nunez. The office generator was repaired by Devall Deisel and placed back on the stand. The Lead and Copper Inventory is still ongoing.
The monthly updates and financial reports including the Actual vs Budget Report for the month ending January 31, 2024 was presented by Shaun Kyle.
On motion of Donald Buford, seconded by Brad Hinton and carried unanimously, the financial reports were accepted and all bills were approved for payment.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6:00 pm.
There being no further business, on motion of Brad Hinton, seconded by Donald Buford and carried unanimously, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Mark Trahan, President
Shaun Kyle, Secretary
RUN: Apr. 11 (A 10)