TO LA. R.S. 33:4717.2
The Cameron Parish Port, Harbor & Terminal District (Port) hereby gives notice of its intention to transfer by way of option to lease certain parcels of land owned by the Port and described below to a third party. The proposed transfer will grant the recipient the right to exercise an option to enter into a lease of certain tracts of land consisting of approximately 112 acres located in Section 32, T15S-R10W on the east and west bank of the Calcasieu Ship Channel in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. As consideration, the recipient will pay to the Port certain option payments and, upon the execution of the lease, annual rent under the lease that is initially equal to $684,000 per year and which will escalate every five years thereafter. Relevant documentation concerning the transfer is available for public inspection during regular business hours at the offices of the Port at 180 Henry Street, Cameron, LA 70631. An independent appraisal of the subject property conducted within the previous twelve months indicates that the annual market rent for the subject property is $319,000 per year. Objections by the public to the foregoing proposed transfer will be received by Clair Hebert Marceaux, Port Director of the Cameron Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on April 12 and April 19, 2021, at the office of the Port located at 180 Henry Street, Cameron, LA 70631. This Notice is published in compliance with LA Revised Statue 33:4717.2.
RUN: Apr. 1, 8 (A 1)