By Cyndi Sellers
The Cameron Parish Police Jury will meet at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Friday, Apr. 16 in agenda and voting meetings. The agenda meeting will feature updates on debris removal, a discussion of the Grand Lake Firemen Center and Fire Station, and a report from Katie Barnes of the Louisiana Audubon Society on work recently done in Cameron Parish.
In the voting meeting, Jurors will consider advertising an ordinance change consolidating Fire Districts 1, 7, and 9 (Cameron, Creole, and Grand Chenier) into one district, at the request of the three fire boards. Two speed limit changes will also be considered.
Jurors will consider allocating money for retrieval of caskets displaced by Hurricanes Laura and Delta, and another allocation for culvert replacement on Hwy. 384 in Grand Lake. The purchase of a building located at 135 Camille Lane in Cameron will be voted upon.
Permits to be considered include CenterPoint Energy’s request to replace natural gas lines from East Creole to Cameron, and several drainage canal cleanout permits. Change orders for the Rockefeller Shoreline Protection Project and the Little Florida Shoreline Stabilization project will be considered.
The full agenda is posted in the legal section of this paper. Additional agenda items may be added before or during the meetings.