
June 28, 2022
The Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District met in regular session on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at the Port Board Building, Cameron, Louisiana at 5:00 o’clock p.m.
Present: Thomas Cox, Howard Romero, Tim Dupont, James Brown, Nina Jones, Tremayne Picou, Nat Griffith, Alfred Devall
Absent: Dwight Savoie, Jennifer Picou, Sheila Miller
Guests: Randy Scott – US Coast Guard, Commander Nicole Rodriguez – US Coast Guard, Rene Escurieux – Fenstermaker
Parish Agencies: Tunie Dunaway, Interim Port Director; Tianna Dunaway, Asst. Port Director; Kimberly Montie, Port Director; Tom Barrett, District Attorney; Chelsea Champagne, Assistant District Attorney.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman James Brown.
Tim Dupont led the Pledge of Allegiance and James Brown gave the invocation.
Commander Nicole Rodriguez and Randy Scott introduced themselves and explained their job duties at the coast guard. Rene Escurieux stated that Bruce Lambert with DOTD will be at the August meeting to discuss federal grants for the port. Port director Kimberly Montie informed the board about purchasing new computers for the office. She showed the board a quote from Computer One for the computers and the computer equipment which was $5, 145.99.
On the motion of Mr. Griffith seconded by Ms. Jones and carried the board approved the purchase of the new computers and equipment.
On the motion of Mr. Picou, seconded by Mr. Dupont and carried the board approved the May 31, 2022 regular meeting minutes.
On the motion of Mr. Dupont, seconded by Mr. Picou and carried the board approved the treasurer’s report.
On the motion of Mr. Picou, seconded by Mr. Griffith and carried the board approved payment of the June 2022 bills.
The Board reviewed the actuals and the budget.
There was no correspondence.
There were no reports from commissioners.
There was no old business to discuss.
Under new Business District Attorney Tom Barrett spoke with the board about the extension of the lease agreement with Venture Global. The board discussed advertising in Thrive Magazine and the US Coast Guard bulletin. Instead of approving the Capital One resolution the board approved the delegation authorization forms for Capital One. The board didn’t enter into an employment agreement with the director but accepted the letter for hire with the agreed upon salary.
On the motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Cox and carried the board approved advertising in Thrive Magazine and the US Coast Guard bulletin.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Mr. Dupont and carried the board approved to add Kim Montie, Sheila Miller and Tianna Dunaway as delegates to Capital One account.
On the motion of Mr. Romero, seconded by Ms. Jones and carried the board gave president authority to sign the letter for hire for the port director.
The next regular meeting will be scheduled for July 26, 2022, at 5 PM at the Cameron Parish Port Building.
There being no further business and upon motion of Mr. Cox seconded by Mr. Picou and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
James K. Brown, Chairman
Sheila Miller, Secretary
RUN: Sept. 1 (S6)