
? Proceedings
Cameron Parish
Ambulance District 2
CPAD2 met on November 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM at the HVFD 1025 Main St. Hackberry, La. 70645
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM.
Pledge led by Mrs. Toups
Prayer led by Mrs. Toups
Members Present: Calise Romero, Randall McFatter, Phyllis Doxey, Kattie Toups and Lynn Griffith.
Members Absent: Kathleen Simon
Guest: Darla, Brad and Rhonda
Members approved the September 28, 2022 board minutes with a motion by Mr. Romero and a 2nd by Mr. McFatter and carried unopposed.
When ask there were no public comments.
Old Business:
1. Architect Jeff Kudla wasn’t present and this item was tabled and rescinded upon his arrival. He presented board with the ongoing deterioration
New Business:
1. Mrs. Perry gave the payroll, bill and budget to actual budget report Mr. McFatter made a motion to accept payroll, bills and budget to actual report a 2nd was made by Mr. Romero, motion carried.
2. Mrs. Perry gave the Expected 2023 Budget Report Mr. Romero made a motion to accept Mr. McFatter made a 2nd and the motion carried unanimously.
3. The board discussed the 2023 Board Meetings and decided with a motion from Mr. Romero and a 2nd by Mr. McFatter to meet on the third Tuesday of the month starting on Jan. 17, 2023.
4. Rhonda presented the Policy Changes for 2023 and Mrs. Doxey made a motion to accept policy changes and Mr. Romero made a 2nd and motion carried.
5. Cost of Living Adjustment was discussed for Rhonda and Darla and with a motion by Mr. Romero and a second motion by Mrs. Griffith vote carried unanimously to give a 10% increase on Jan. 1st, 2023.
6. Rhonda presented board with the quotes for the JB Canopy and with a motion by Mr. McFatter and a second by Mr. Romero to table vote and vote via text once the final numbers are in.
7. Mrs. Coleman gave her directors report and with a motion by Mr. Romero and a second by Mr. McFatter motion carried to accept the report.
8. With there being no further business to discuss Mr. McFatter made a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr. Romero made a 2nd and meeting adjourned with no opposition.
RUN: Mar. 2 (M 6)