By Cyndi Sellers
The Cameron Parish Police Jury has announced that hurricane debris removal is now in its final pass. What has already been placed by the road will be picked up, but any new debris now needs to go to the dump. “Please take all new debris to a dump site — not to the roadside,” said Parish Administrator Katie Armentor. “All parish dump sites accept storm debris, except Grand Chenier and Cameron which are not yet open. Residents of those communities may take their debris to neighboring dump sites.”
Parish road crews have begun ditch maintenance. Once the ditches have been cleaned and repaired no new debris should be placed on the roadside. If a ditch is fixed and more debris is dumped, it will not be picked up. Police Juror Curtis Fountain says people in Hackberry are still using the Catholic church parking lot as a dump site, and that needs to stop.
The Parish asks people to drive carefully to keep workers safe in the areas where repairs are being made.
NOTE: Grand Chenier, Cameron, and Holly Beach residents: dump sites in these areas are not open yet, you may take your debris to neighboring dump sites.