
?Cameron Parish
Tourist Commission
P.O. Box 388,
Cameron, LA 70631
Ph (337)775-5718
Fax (337)775-5567
The Cameron Parish Tourist Commission met on Saturday, April 23, 2022, at the MainStay Suites in Hackberry, prior to the Hackberry Vendor Roundup. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. with Chairman, Stephanie Rodrigue, presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Johnson and the Prayer was led by Ms. Miller.
Commissioners present were: Stephanie Rodrigue, Chairman; Carolyn Miller, Treasurer; Patty Boudreaux, Secretary; and Mary Johnson.
Absent: Tunie Dunaway, JoAnn Nunez and JoeAnn Labove.
Guests: N/A
Approval of Minutes: Upon motion by Ms. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Miller, and carried, the minutes of the March 17, 2022 meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Upon motion by Ms. Boudreaux, seconded by Ms. Johnson, and carried, the combined financials of January – March were approved as presented, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part thereof. Ms. Miller will obtain more detailed information pertaining to each line item for the next meeting.
Payment of Bills: An invoice from LACVB (Louisiana Convention and Visitor’s Bureau) in the amount of $175 was again deferred to the next meeting when Ms. Miller will research the value and benefits of having this membership, prior to payment. She will also obtain value and benefit of the LTPA (Louisiana Travel Association) so that we can maximize our exposure.
Ms. Rodrigue presented an Invoice from Wise Ideas for the previously discussed promotional items, which consisted of 250 business cards and 500 stadium cups at a total cost of $433 for Miss Cameron Parish, Cesilee Oliver, to promote the parish in her travels. Upon motion by Ms. Boudreaux, seconded by Ms. Johnson, and carried, the request was approved as presented.
Ms. Rodrigue reported that the contract for DevDept was in its final legal review by the District Attorney’s office and that Derek Williams will be invited to our next meeting in May to discuss certain aspects of the new website and Facebook page.
Old Business: The festival rack cards discussion was deferred and will be a standing item on the agenda until information can be gathered.
New Business: Ms. Miller reported that the Annual Lieutenant Governor’s Travel Summit will be held on August 23-25, 2022, at the Golden Nugget in Lake Charles.
Ms. Rodrigue reported that she had been in communications with Geralyn Myers of Myers Landing in Lowry, and a preferred date for the vendor fair to be held there would be Saturday, May 14, 2022. Upon motion by Ms. Boudreaux, seconded by Ms. Johnson, and carried, the commissioners agreed to move forward with planning this event.
Ms. Rodrigue reported that an agenda item will be added to an upcoming CPPJ Meeting by Mr. Fountain, at his request, to expand the tourist commission by two (2) members to try and cover representation from all areas of the parish. The issue is in review by the District Attorney’s office.
Ms. Rodrigue reported that the “Marshland Festival” has been scheduled for the last weekend in July.
Ms. Boudreaux reported on remaining inventory and provided comparison pricing for additional promotional items. Upon motion by Ms. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Miller, and carried, the following was authorized for purchase through Wise Ideas: 2,000 can coolers, 1,200 beach balls and 2,000 flyers with logo and website imprint.
Ms. Rodrigue presented a request from Katie Armentor, Cameron Parish Administrator, for replacement of community signs, which, in the past, was expensed through the tourist commission. Ms. Miller reported that previous signs were purchased with BP funds and that she would obtain additional information for our next meeting. Ms. Rodrigue also requested that consideration be given to purchase trees as a beautification project near each sign through a Lions Club project that is offering a discounted price.
Ms. Boudreaux invited the commissioners to attend the ribbon-cutting at the newly remodeled Causeway Bridge on Hwy. #82 at the LA/TX state line on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cameron Parish Police Jury Conference Room.
Upon motion by Ms. Boudreaux, seconded by Ms. Miller, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:26 a.m.
RUN: June 9 (Ju 11)