Cameron Parish
Ambulance District 2
CPAD2 met on March 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM at the CPAD2 Office at 979 Main St. Hackberry, La. 70645
Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM. Pledge led by Mrs. Simon Prayer led by Mrs. Simon.
Members Present: Calise Romero, Randall McFatter, Phyllis Doxey, Lynn Griffith and Kathleen Simon.
Members Absent: Kattie Toups.
Guests: Darla Perry, Chris Spicer, Amy Thompson, Chad Mudd, Wesley Romero, Chris Shannon and Jeff Kudla.
Members approved the January 17, 2023 board minutes with a motion by Mr. McFatter and a 2nd by Mrs. Simon and carried unopposed.
When ask there were no public comments.
Old Business:
1. Architect Jeff Kudla presented the work order changes for flooring materials, labor, enveloping the lower area of the Hackberry Ambulance Station and architect fees. With a motion by Mrs. Simon and a second by Mrs. Griffith motion carried unopposed to accept.
2. Rhonda presented the board with the updated quotes for the Cargo Lifts for Stations 7, 8 and 9 and with a motion by Mrs. Simon and a 2nd by Mrs. Doxey motion carried unopposed.
New Business:
1. Mrs. Perry gave the payroll, bill and budget to actual budget report Mr. McFatter made a motion to accept payroll, bills and budget to actual report a 2nd was made by Mrs. Doxey, motion carried.
2. Stryker representative Chris Shannon presented the board with a quote for 5 new Lucas Devices. With a motion by Mrs. Simon, 2nd by Mrs. Griffith motion carried.
3. Mrs. Coleman presented quotes for concrete repairs and concrete additions for Grand Lake. With a motion by Mr. McFatter and a second by Mrs. Simon and carried, the lowest bid was accepted.
4. Mrs. Coleman gave the directors report. Mrs. Simon made a motion to accept report as given and Mrs. Griffith made a 2nd and motion carried.
5. Mrs. Simon made a motion to go into executive session to discuss insurance litigation. Mr. McFatter made a 2nd motion. Motion carried to go into executive session at 6:55.
With a motion to come out of executive session at 7:37 by Mrs. Simon and a 2nd by Mr. McFatter motion carried.
6. With no other business to discuss Mrs. Simon made a motion to adjourn the meeting and with a 2nd by Mr. McFatter motion carried and meeting adjourned.
RUN: June 1 (Ju 1)