By Jeffra Wise DeViney
Cameron Parish School Board held its scheduled meeting on Monday, Feb. 5, at 510 Marshall St. in Cameron at 5 p.m.
The following board members were present for the meeting: Christi LaBove, Dist. 2; Mitchel Kelley, Dist.4; Vickie Kiffe, Dist. 5; Telesha Bertrand, Dist. 3; and Sharon Picou, District 6. Board members that were absent included: Marsha Trahan, Dist. 1; Joseph Delcambre, Dist. 7; and Randall Faulk, Dist. 8.
After the meeting was called to order with the pledge and prayer, a motion passed to accept approval of the agenda.
Kevin Berkin District 7 BESE Board Member introduced himself to the board members. He expressed that he will try to make a meeting every quarter; he represents seven parishes. He indicated he was “there to listen and looks forward to future meetings.”
Board minutes from Dec. 4, 2023 were approved. (There was no meeting in January.) Motion was passed to accept the Independent Auditor’s Report as presented by Mr. Coy Vincent, CPA and prepared by Grayson, Casiday, & Guillory, LLP.
Motion passed granting out-of-state travel to Johnson Bayou Middle School and High School students to attend the Houston Zoo on Monday, Mar. 18, to travel by bus.
Motion passed to have the next meeting on Monday, Mar. 18.
Meeting was adjourned.