Cameron Parish Sheriff’s Office has launched a new program

The Cameron Parish Sheriff’s Office has launched a new program designed to assist residents with special needs. This initiative focuses on equipping first responders with necessary information and tools to provide appropriate care to individuals with special needs during emergencies.

Key Features of the Program:

Stickers: Available for residents to place on vehicles, at home entrances, and on bedroom doors and windows. These stickers will notify first responders of the presence of individuals with special needs.

Participation: Families are encouraged to fill out a short identification form for their loved ones who have special needs. This participation is crucial for enhancing emergency responses tailored to individual needs.

How to Get Involved:

Interested families can acquire the forms and stickers, at the Cameron Parish Sheriff’s Office or at sub-stations in Hackberry, Johnson Bayou, and Sweet Lake. An online form will be available on our website soon.

Contact Information: For more details or to sign up, reach out to the Cameron Parish Sheriff’s Office at 337-775-5111.

Sheriff Chris Savoie emphasizes the importance of placing these stickers visibly for first responders to ensure safety and inclusion in the community. This program marks an important step in recognizing and addressing the needs of individuals with special needs.