By Jeffra Wise DeViney
Cameron Parish School Board met on Monday, Oct. 14, at 510 Marshall St., Cameron for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
The following school board members were in attendance: Marsha Trahan, Dist. 1; Mitchell Kelley, Dist. 4; Vickie Kiffe, Dist. 5; Telesha Bertrand, Dist. 3; and Christi LaBove, Dist. 2. School board members who were absent were: Sharon Picou, Dist. 6, Joseph Delcambre, Dist. 7; and Randall Faulk, Dist. 8.
After the meeting was called to order by Telesha Bertrand the Prayer and Pledge were said.
Members moved to approve the agenda and the board minutes of the Sept. 16, 2024 regular meeting of the Cameron Parish School Board.
Motion was granted for Grand Lake FFA to attend Washington, D. C. Leadership Conference for annual FFA Leadership Conference.
Motion carried to continue services including expanded services offered at no additional cost by Christus Ochsner/SWLA Center For Health Services.
Motion passed taking necessary action to continue to pay for the 2025 plan year on Med-Plus supplemental health plan with Taylor & Sons Insurance.
Motion passed for authorization of payment of the bills as presented by Kathy Hayes.
Motion passed to approve Carbon capture proposal with Gulf Coast Sequestration which is looking to do the process on their land which is adjacent to CPSB land located in Northwest part of the Parish, 10,000 feet below the surface. Projected revenues could be $30-$40,000.
Motion passed on accepting the only bidder on Section 16 Township 14S Range 12W – Starks Canal for a 5-year lease.
Motion passed to accept Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Venture Global LNG in receiving a sum of $6 million over the course of 3 years.
Motion passed to accept Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Cameron Consolidated Waterworks District 1 that is renting office space in an empty wearhouse for a term of 5 years.
Motion carried to approve revisions to the following policies in accordance with the 2024 Louisiana Legislative Regular Session – Superintendent
ABCB School Board Member Qualifications
BBBC School Board Member Continuing Education
BCBB Notification of School Board Meetings
GBA Contracts and Compensation
GBRIB Sick Leave
GBRIBB Sick Leave Bank
JDA Corporal Punishment
JGC Student Health Services
JGCB Immunizations
JGCD Administration of Medication
JGCFA Behavioral Health Services for Students
Motion passed for approval of Administrator and Supervisor contracts.
Motion passed granting out-of-state travel to Johnson Bayou High School 10th and 12th grade students to travel to Houston Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas on Nov. 21, 2024.
Motion passed in regard to payment of the 2024/2025 Differentiated Compensation Allocation approved by legislation to be paid to highly effective teachers.
Superintendent Lemons introduced Lyle Hannah with Commonwealth who was in attendance at the meeting.
Motion passed for meeting adjournment.