
Cameron Parish Waterworks District #7 met in regular session on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at 5 pm., at the Cameron Parish Waterworks #11 Office in the town of Sweetlake.
Members present, Guy Murphy, Lula LeBlanc, Robin Morales, Michelle Trahan.
Members absent, none
Guy Murphy called the meeting to order.
Robin Morales led the pledge.
Logan Manuel gave update on repairs to the district.
Robin Morales made a motion to approve financial statement, it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
Michelle Trahan made a motion to pay bills, it was seconded by Robin Morales.
Robin Morales made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
Guy Murphy Vice President
R.S 44:33.1 Public records can be obtained by contacting Mary Canik at 337-775-2603
RUN: Apr. 7 (A 7)