
Cameron Parish Mosquito
Abatement District No. 1
Wednesday October 5, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Cameron Parish Mosquito Abatement District No. 1 was held at 4:00 p.m., October 5, 2022, at the Grand Lake Library. Board members present were Mitchel Kelley, Thomas Cox, Karl Styron, and Dede Sanders. Robert Trahan, Gregory Gray, and Marck Smythe were absent.
The meeting was called to order by Thomas Cox, who then asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, August 1, 2022. A motion was made by DeDe Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried that the minutes be approved as printed. A motion was made by DeDe Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to approve the financial statement.
In new business, Coy Vincent presented the findings of the 2022 audit. There were no significant findings. DeDe Sanders made a motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to approve the audit.
The board member perdiem was discussed next. It was decided to table it until the next meeting to get more information.
Next, the director presented the information to the board regarding the purchase of 200 drums of dibrom at a 2.5% discounted rate.
Mitchel Kelley, made a motion, seconded by Karl Styron, and carried to approve the travel expenses and registration fees for the LMCA meeting that is being held in Kinder, LA.
The next meeting will be decided at a later date. There being no further business, Dede Sanders made a motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Thomas Cox, President
Gregory Gray, Secretary
RUN: Apr. 6 ( A 18)