Updates with FEMA were made at the Cameron Parish School Board meeting on Monday, Sept. 12. According to Hoffpauir Architects, LLC, Project Management, the School Board has received reimbursements as reported by GOHSEP to date as follows: Rita, $68,711,659.19; Ike, $33,905,800.50; and Gustav, $15,237.05. Reimbursements for Rita and Ike are on hold pending closeout per GOHSEP.
Hurricane damages for permanent repair are on going at each school campus. Three campuses are very close to the final phase. Johnson Bayou High School, pending FEMA approval for track. South Cameron High School has several projects pending awaiting FEMA approval or insurance reimbursement. FEMA reimbursement of $13,932 has been received for beginning work at SCHS playground.
The following projects are pending on bids/quotes:
South Cameron High
South Cameron High School – Miscellaneous repairs to athletic bid structures – stadium, light poles, bleachers, press box, green house, etc.
South Cameron High School – New Gym Complex – Preliminary floor plan updated. The project will go out for bid beginning December 2022, pending FEMA review.
South Cameron High School – Restrooms and concession, pending FEMA review.
Bids have been awarded on the following projects and are completed or in process: Administration BLDG.
Dunhill Development and Construction, LLC was low bidder and awarded the contract for the restoration of the Administration Building Phase II. The total cost of repair of the School Board Administration Building from Hurricane Laura damages, including both Phase 1 and Phase 2, is $3,964,079. Phase II of the administration building has been completed. Damages from Hurricane Laura have been repaired on the exterior and interior. The work included the repair and replacement of the fire alarm control and sprinkler control panel.
Work has been completed on the Audrey Memorial Maintenance Facility by Alfred Palma, LLC with a total cost of repairs at $1,174,900.
Grand Lake High
Repairs on the Grand Lake High School campus are scheduled to be completed by Feb. 20, 2023. Alfred Palma, LLC as the low bidder at $2,529,000. Miscellaneous campus repairs include a new baseball building, a new softball building and a new concession building. Also included are repairs to the bleacher covers at the softball field, repairs to the chain link fencing on the campus. The miscellaneous repairs includes the replacement of damaged mechanical rooftop units, repair drainage on the east side of the high school wing, a new flag pole at the baseball field. Safety surface repairs at the elementary playground is almost complete, and the concrete for the connecting walkway canopy has been poured, waiting on the steel for the canopy. Concrete grades for the concession and softball building have been poured, and the building foundation footings have also been poured.
Hackberry High
The Hackberry High School VoAg/Smokehouse bid was awarded to Garden City Construction Co. for $3,602,000 with notice to proceed issued on Mar. 28, 2022. The completion date is now set for Nov. 24, 2022 due to a time delay in resolving poor soil conditions that were found after demo.
To read the rest of this story, please see page two of the print edition of The Cameron Parish Pilot.