By Jeffra Wise DeViney
Cameron Parish School Board met on Monday, July 10 at 510 Marshall St. for their regularly scheduled meeting. Board members in attendance were: Marsha Trahan, District 1; Christi LaBove, District 2; Sheila Miller, District 4; Vickie Kiffe, District 5 and Telesha Bertrand, District 3. The following board members were absent: Sharon Picou, District 6, Joseph Delcambre; District 7 and Randall Faulk, District 8. No meeting was held in June due to no quorum.
Representatives from Arthur J. Gallager & Co. Public Entity Division presented renewal of policy of student and athlete accident insurance to members indicating there was no change from the policy from last year; board members approved the renewal.
Michelle Trahan went over financial issues in which the board approved the payment of bills and school allocations for the 2023-24 school year. A highlight from her report was that they had received a $1.4 million check from FEMA recently from a Hurricane Rita claim filed 18 years ago.
Michael Cassidy, District Attorney office council reviewed revenue and activity report with positive remarks indicating they had managed to bring in an extra $30,000 in lease revenues. He gave updates on the exchange of property with federal refuges indicating land appraisal requests are being considered for the property switch.
James Hoffpauir, Project Management reviewed current construction activities. Projects to be bid/quotes (pending insurance FEMA review) are:
South Cameron High School – Various final restoration Repars – Miscellaneous Repairs to Athletic Structures, (Stadium light poles and bleachers).
South Cameron High School – Men’s restroom, women’s restroom and concession stand.
South Cameron High School new gym complex – damage descrition and dimensions has been signed by CPSB and returned to FEMA for next step of project cost and scope. Estimated time to receive information is mid-August.
Board members approved the Cameron Parish Pilot as their official journal.
A motion was approved for a reimbursement request from Grand Lake High School FFA for hardships incurred on a recent trip to FFA nationals in regard to lost luggage and rental cars.
To read the rest of this story, please see page three of the print edition of The Cameron Parish Pilot.