School Board elected new officers at Jan. 13th meeting

By Jeffra Wise DeViney

The regularly scheduled Cameron Parish School Board Meeting was held on Monday, Jan. 13, at 5 p.m. at 510 Marshall St., Cameron.

The following School Board members were in attendance: Marsha Trahan, District 1; Robert Kelley, District 4; Vickie Kiffe, District 5; Telesha Bertrand, District 3; Sharon Picou, District 6; Joseph Delcambre, District 7; and Randall Faulk, District 8. School Board Member Christi LeJeune was absent.

Meeting was called to order; the Prayer and Pledge were conducted.

An election of Board Officers was held with Telesha Bertrand elected as President and Vickie Kiffe as Vice President, each for a one year term.

Motions carried to approve the agenda and board minutes of the Dec. 2, 2024 regular meeting of the Cameron Parish School Board.

Motion carried authorizing payment of the bills.

Motion carried accepting Independent Auditor’s Report, as presented and prepared by Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP.

Approval of lease on Cameron Parish School Board property located in Johnson Bayou by Verizon Wireless to implement a cell tower was denied.

Current construction projects were given in a report by James Hoffpauir, Project Management.

Motion carried to adopt local school board resolution declaring January as School Board Member Recognition Month. Superintendent Charley Lemons read the proclamation which expressed his appreciation to the members of the Cameron Parish School Board and proclaimed Jan uary 2025 as School Board Recognition Month in Cameron Parish. He urged all citizens to join him in recognizing the dedication and hard work of local school board members and in working with them to mold an education system that meets the needs of both today’s and tomorrow’s children.

Motion carried to approve adoption of LSBA Code of Conduct for Louisiana School Board Members.
School Board members were recognized for their training hours earned in 2024, per Statute, and recognition of Certified School Board Member for the 2024 calendar year by Superintendent Lemons.
They are as follows:

Marsha Trahan 34 hours, Christi Labove 23.5 hours, Telesha Bertrand 32 hours, Robert Kelley 21 hours, Vickie Kiffe 24.5 hours, Sharon Picou 19.5 hours, Joseph Delcambre 7 hours, and Randall Faulk 16 hours.

Trahan, Bertrand, Kiffe and Kelley were presented with Certificates of Achievement.

Motion carried to renew for a one-year term non-binding restoration contract agreements for Large Loss Turn Key Projects for Feb. 15, 2025 through Feb. 15, 2026, with an option of one additional year renewal terms with The Signature Group LLC, Lemoine Disaster Recovery LLC, Radcliff.

BESE Representative Kevin Berkin was recognized as he was in attendance at the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.