
?Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1
Johnson Bayou • Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Monday, August 14, 2023, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Michele Long, who led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Chairman Michele Long, Vice Chairman Russell Badon, Nikki Norman, Tammy Erbelding, Chad Cooper, and Secretary Cindy Snead. Guest was Sonny McGee, Cameron Parish Police Juror.
On the motion of Nikki Norman, seconded by Tammy Erbelding, and carried, the minutes for the July 10, 2023 meeting were approved as presented.
Old Business:
Cody Norman reported on the Holly Beach sub-committee. The parish placed 4-way stop signs at each intersection on Lafitte Blvd. A work order will be made for 20 small signs to be placed below the regular signage indicating each location is a four way stop. Craig Broussard and Ursula LeJeune met with DA Tom Barrett to discuss making Holly Beach subdivision roads street legal for UTV and ATV driving. The police jury discussed the issue at its last meeting, and the district attorney will draft an ordinance making Holly Beach roadways UTV/ATV legal. Additionally, the “no littering” decals placed in various locations in Holly Beach have been effective.
Michele Long gave an update on leasing state land in Zone 2. She reiterated the parish’s recommendation to limit liability exposure by only leasing land pertaining to a specific project.
Michele Long reported on the progress of DOTD state highway 82 beach entrance signage. Beach entrance signs will be placed at Mae’s, Long, Little Florida, Gulf Breeze, Constance, and Holly Beaches in order to provide clear location information for emergency personnel.
The International Coastal Cleanup Day (Cameron Parish Beach Sweep) will be Saturday, September 16, 2023. Further information can be found on the Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Facebook page.
On the motion of Nikki Norman, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, the board approves the donation of the beach sweeper to the Holly Beach Non-profit Organization.
The 2731 Gulf Beach Hwy donation by Chris LeBato, MC Bank, President & Chief Executive Officer has been completed, and the board greatly appreciates this generous gift. Chris’ family has strong ties to the community, and he expressed that “the Parish holds a special place in my heart; so glad we are able play a little part in [the] work to bring Cameron back so that others may enjoy.”
New Business:
Craig Broussard presented the July financial spreadsheet and its expenditures, donations, and account information. On the motion of Russell Badon, seconded by Chad Cooper, and carried, the board approved the July financial report.
Michele Long reported on the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana Planting Project at Little Florida Beach, Gulf Breeze Beach, and Constance Beach. Gardner Goodall, Native Plants Program Coordinator, and his team will plant 20,000 plugs of Bitter Panicum totaling 180,000 sq ft. on October 6-7, 2023. Cheniere LNG is the sponsor for the project.
Craig Broussard reported on the upgrade at the Causeway Boat Launch of the existing 400-watt security light to a 1000-watt security light as well as a new service pole on the north side of the parking lot with another 1000-watt light. Sonny McGee approved and the parish will accept additional monthly fees for the lights during their next meeting, and Cheniere LNG approved funding for the upgrade. The work will take approximately one week to complete.
The board sent a list of potential projects to the Creole Nature Trail for their “Needs Assessment” survey.
Nikki Norman will survey Holly Beach locals on their thoughts regarding the article, “A Guide to Ethical Shell Collecting” by Hal Brindley. https://www.travel4wildlife.com/ethical-shell-collecting-guide/ The findings will be submitted to the Creole Nature Trail for their use.
Michele Long informed the board as to the CPRA Little Florida Shoreline Protection Project Phase 2. The community will be informed of any design changes in the future.
Cheniere LNG will make a $20,000 donation for a to-be-announced project to the Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1. The board welcomes project suggestions from the public. Chad Cooper will research suggestions and report to the board at the September meeting.
Open Session:
Pay Bills:
There being no further business, on the motion of Russell Badon, seconded by Chad Cooper, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
The next meeting will be September 11, 2023, 6:00 p.m. at the Johnson Bayou Community Center.
When industry, parish government, and community come together, great things can happen.
RUN: Sept. 7 (S8)