Cameron Parish
Ambulance District 2
CPAD2 met on September 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the CPAD2 Office at 979 Main St. Hackberry, La. 70645
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge led by Mrs. Simon
Prayer led by Mrs. Simon
Members Present: Randall McFatter, Calise Romero, Lynn Griffith, Kathleen Simon and Terry Faulk.
Member Absent: Kattie Toups
Guests: Rhonda Coleman, Brad Lester and Frank Lenoir, Vince Allen and Darla Perry.
Members read and approved the July 17, 2024, board minutes with a motion by Mr. McFatter and a 2nd by Mrs. Griffith and carried unopposed.
When asked there were no public comments.
Old Business:
1. Mrs. Coleman gave the board an update on Klondike/Lowry. No action taken at this time.
New Business:
1. Mrs. Perry gave the bill, payroll, and budget to the actual report and with a motion by Mrs. Simon, a 2nd by Mr. McFatter motion carried unanimously to accept reports.
2. BCBS Renewal was presented by Mrs. Coleman and with a motion by Mr. McFatter, and a 2nd by Mrs. Simon the motion to renew was carried out.
3. Mrs. Coleman presented the board with quotes to have a cracked bathtub replaced with a standalone shower. Mrs. Simon made a motion to proceed, keeping the cost below 12,000.00 and Mrs. Griffith made a 2nd and motion carried.
4. Mrs. Coleman advised the board that a long-time employee had resigned from his position as supervisor, however couldn’t afford to lose the positional pay difference and ask that the board consider him keeping the pay differential. With a motion by Mrs. Simon and a 2nd by Mrs. Griffith motion carried if it was legal. The board asked that Mrs. Coleman get legal counsel and have them advise.
5. Mrs. Coleman gave the director’s report, and a motion was made to accept the report as given by Mr. McFatter and a 2nd by Mrs. Simon and the motion carried out.
6. With no other business to discuss, Mrs. Simon made a motion to adjourn the meeting a 2nd by Mrs. Griffith and carried, meeting adjourned.
RUN: Sept. 26 (S 30)