Cameron Parish
Recreation District No. 5
108 Recreation Lane
Lake Charles, LA 70607
(337) 905-4499
Cameron Parish Recreation District 5 held its regularly scheduled meeting on September 19, 2024 at 6:00 pm.
Board President Tremayne Picou called the meeting to order and on roll call the following members were present: Kris Howerton, Jacob Babcock and Kayla Conner.
Absent: Thomas Cox
Employees in attendance were Lisa Ledano and Vickie Pickett
Guests present: Marck Smythe, Stacie Guillory, Max Guthrie, Ronald Nunez, Jr and Danny Myers
A draft of the minutes of the previous meeting, August 15, 2024, was distributed to all board members via electronic mail prior to the meeting. Kris Howerton made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Kayla Conner seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Old Business:
New Business:
Public comment- time was allowed for public comment prior to voting on all agenda items
Authority to adopt a Resolution describing the Geographic Limits of the Recreation District No. 5 of the Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana. Jacob Babcock made a motion to adopt the resolution. Kris Howerton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Authority to adopt a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling an election on March 29, 2025, to consider levying and collecting an ad valorem property tax of (9.30) mills in lieu of (4.30) mills for Recreation District No. 5, for the purpose of operating and maintaining the District’s recreation facilities constituting works of public improvement for said District. Kris Howerton made a motion to adopt the resolution. Jacob Babcock seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
The board members present reviewed the invoices for the month of August 2024. Kayla Conner made a motion to approve the bills. Kris Howerton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
The treasurer’s report for the month of August 2024 was distributed to all board members via electronic mail prior to the meeting. Kayla Conner made a motion to accept the financial statement as presented. Jacob Babcock seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Tremayane Picou asked the guests present if they had any questions or comments for the board. Mr. Nunez asked the board members if there was a plan B in place. Tremayne Picou responded that there is not a second plan in place but that if there was it would be to repair facility damaged by the hurricane. Mr. Nunez asked if the board had any estimates of what it would cost to repair the facility.
Mr. Picou responded that the only estimate that the board had was an estimate to replace the roof on the metal building portion of the facility. Both Mr. Nunez and Mr. Picou agree that it would be very costly to repair and bring the front portion of the facility up to current building codes. Mr. Nunez urged the board to get estimates to repair the metal building.
Ms. Guillory stated her concerns that her property taxes recently doubled and that she is concerned about them doubling again. Mr. Picou shared information from the tax assessors office with those present outlining estimates of how much tax bills would increase should the millage be increased. Mr. Myers shared that he had an estimate projection of what his personal taxes would increase and it come out to be approximately $50.00 per year or $1.00 per week.
Mr. Guthrie shared that he currently has a membership at a racquet club in order for his children to be able to have a swimming pool to use. The monthly membership at the racquet club is much more than what his annual increase of his property taxes would be to have a swimming pool in the community.
Mr. Howerton passed his telephone around to allow those present to view the renderings that have been prepared of the proposed facility. He had examples of displays that would be placed at various places of business for the public to view.
Mr. Myers stated that the board needs to schedule at least two community meetings prior to the election to ensure that the community is well informed. Mr. Nunez agreed.
With no further business to discuss, Jacob Babcock made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kris Howerton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Lisa Ledano.
R.S. 44:33.1 – Public records can be obtained by contacting Lisa Ledano at 108 Recreation Lane Lake Charles, LA 70607
RUN: Sept. 26 (S 28)