
The Board of Commissioners of Lower Cameron Hospital Service District met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at 4:00 p.m., at the Cameron Parish District Attorney’s office, in Cameron, Louisiana. Members present were Chairman Stephanie Rodrigue, Shawn Bonsall, Vickie Kiffe, Michelle Trahan, and Kevin Dupke. Mary Canik and Tredale Boudreaux were absent. In attendance as guests were Scott Trahan, Mark Daigle, and Brett Downer.
Stephanie Rodrigue, the chairman, called the meeting to order. A quorum was determined.
Upon motion by Shawn Bonsall, seconded by Vickie Kiffe, the agenda was unanimously approved.
Kevin Dupke spoke under Public Comments with a list of questions to which District Attorney Tom Barrett offered a meeting with him to receive information requested.
Upon motion by Vickie Kiffe, seconded by Michelle Trahan, the Minutes of the June 13, 2024, Regular Meeting and the special meeting on July 08, 2024, were unanimously approved.
Upon motion by Shawn Bonsall, seconded by Michelle Trahan, the Board of Commissioners approved the drafts of the logo for use on the Medical Mobile Unit and official promotional matters from Brett Downer, O’Carroll Group.
The Board of Commissioners received an update from Stephanie Rodrigue on the receipt of the reinforced awning in Ohio and projected delivery date of the Medical Mobile Unit to specified Lake Charles Memorial Health System location as early as the first week of August.
Upon motion by Shawn Bonsall, seconded by Vickie Kiffe, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved financial reports and bank statements.
Upon motion by Vickie Kiffe, seconded by Kevin Dupke, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved all bills to be paid.
It was noted that the next regular meeting was previously scheduled for Tuesday, August 27th, at 4:00 p.m. at the Cameron Parish District Attorney’s Office, in Cameron, Louisiana. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned.
Stephanie Rodrigue,
Mary Canik,
Vice Chairman
RUN: Sept. 19 (S 22)