By Cyndi Sellers
The Cameron Parish Police Jury will hold three meetings on Friday, Aug. 6. The agenda meeting at 10 a.m. will feature a presentation from Lonnie Harper and associates on a design to alleviate flooding on Marshall Street in Cameron. A Finance Meeting at 1 p.m. will cover the quarterly finance report.
The Voting meeting at 2 p.m. will include the audit report for 2020, a budget allocation for the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Berm project, funding for the LSU AgCenter extension programs, and authority to advertise a request for proposals for garbage collection services. A number of board appointments and resolutions are also on the agenda, including memorial resolutions for Norma Jeanne Blake and Barbara “Bobbie” Primeaux.
The agendas have not been finalized. Additional items may be added up to 24 hours before the meetings or during the meetings by unanimous vote.