By Jeffra Wise DeViney
The Cameron Parish Police Jury met on Wednesday, Aug. 16, at the Cameron Police Jury Annex in Cameron with all jurors in attendance.
The following permits were passed:
Apollo Energy Operating Co. LP; Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 4 Creole, Section 20 and Oak Grove, Section 31 and Little Chenier, Section 20.
The following appointments were approved:
James Boudreaux was appointed to Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron and Susan Fawvor and Tammy Peshoff were reappointed; Scott Creel was reappointed to Fire Protection Dist. No. 14; Ricky Hargrave, Bryan Weekly, Matt Hudson and Corey Vincent were reappointed to Fire Protection Dist. No. 15;Geralyn Meyers and Barry Watkins were reappointed to Fire Protection No. 16; Terry Smith was reappointed to Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 8; Allison Romero was reappointed to Lower Cameron Hospital Dist. No. 2.
A Resolution was accepted authorizing Public Transit to file an application with Louisiana Dept. of Transportation and Development for a grant under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grant for Rural Areas.
A Resolution was passed granting the President authority to execute documents required to implement grant under the CDBG through the Restore LA infrastructure: FEMA Public Assistance Nonfederal Share Match Program.
Authority was approved to advertise for bids to repair the Cameron Creole Maintenance Barn & Livestock Pavilion.
No action was taken and the item was tabled for 90 days to remove restrictions on funds allocated in the December 2022 Budget meeting for Grand Lake Recreation Center.
A Motion passed giving the President authority to sign a Resolution urging the U. S. Secretary of Commerce and the U. S. Trade representative to implement existing measures to limit the overall volume of imported shrimp in America.
A Liquor permit was approved for Grand Lake Petroleum LLC dba Corner Store, located at 605 Hwy. 384, Lake Charles LA 70607.