
Cameron Parish Waterworks District #7 met in regular session on August 18, 2020 at 4:45 p.m. at Waterworks Office in the town of Creole, Louisiana.
Members present: Jude Primeaux, Guy Murphy, Lula LeBlanc, Robin Morales, Michelle Trahan.
Absent: none.
Guests present: Waterworks employees.
Judy Primeaux called the meeting to order.
Guy Murphy led the pledge.
Robin Morales made a motion to approve the minutes; it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
There was no addition to the minutes.
Michelle Trahan made a motion to close Sinking Fund account at Iberia Bank; it was seconded by Guy Murphy.
Michelle Trahan made a motion to approve financial statement; it was seconded by Robin Morales.
Robin Morales made a motion to pay bills; it was seconded by Michelle Trahan.
Robin Morales made a motion to adjourn; it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
/s/ Guy Murphy
Guy Murphy
R. S. 44.33.1 Public records can be obtained by contacting Mary Canik at (337) 542-4718 or 184 E. Creole Hwy., Creole, LA 70632.
RUN: Oct. 29 (O 32)