
OCTOBER 7, 2024
The Cameron Parish Police Jury met in regular session on Monday, October 7, 2024, in the Cameron Parish West Annex Board Room in the Village of Cameron, Louisiana at 2:25 o’clock P.M. for the review of the 2024 Budget and to hear budget request. The following members were present: Mr. Ronald Nunez, Jr., Mr. Mark Daigle, Mr. Magnus McGee, Mr. Danny Myers, Mr. Michael Fewell, Mr. Sam Bordelon, and Mr. Johnny Watson. No member was absent.
Kayla Johnson, Treasurer, reviewed the 2024 Budget with the jury and answered any questions concerning the report.
Trudi Dewey, Human Resources Director requested the jury purchase Automatic Data Processing Accounting Software from the 2024 budget for payroll purposes.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, the jury approves the purchase of Automatic Data Processing Accounting Software for payroll from the 2024 Budget.
Monty Pearce, facility maintenance, requested the jury allocate $15,000.00 from the 2024 budget to clean a portion of the Hawk Canal (approximately 1900 feet) in Klondike, LA. which is completely blocked and there is a machine in place that can be utilized to save money.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried, the jury hereby allocates $15,000.00 to clean a portion of the Hawk Canal.
Mr. Nunez, President opened the floor for 2025 budget request.
Tom Barrett, Cameron Parish District Attorney requested a 2025 pay raise in the amount of $2,400.00, which is approximately 3% of his annual current salary.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Myers, and carried, the board approved an annual pay raise in the amount of $2,400.00, for Mr. Tom Barrett.
Shane Manuel, Road & Bridge Superintendent, requested new equipment and fencing, and a full-time employee for the Hackberry area. The jury requested he bring back a list needed for each location next month for them to see what the 2025 budget would allow for.
Katie Armentor, Administrator, discussed an allocation from the 2024 budget for Jeff Davis Waterworks to upgrade their water system. Cameron Parish has about 70 users on the system, 40 of which are residents in the Klondike/Lowry area. The cost of the upgrade is $810,000.00 and Calcasieu Parish has allocated $300,000.00. The jury asked Ms. Armentor to find out how many Calcasieu Parish residents are on the system, and if Cameron Parish residents pay more for their monthly water bill. She will get more information and represent it at next month’s budget meeting.
The next item from the 2024 budget discussed by Ms. Armentor was Cameron Fisheries with the jury. Chaline Delaune with Tommy’s Seafood sent an invoice for approximately $33,000.00 to settle the debt he said was owed when he was the operator of Cameron Fisheries. She let the jury know Mr. Delaune cannot account for 40 totes belonging to the Police Jury and the cost for new totes is approximately $500 per tote. The jury also discussed the equipment that Mr. Delaune brought to New Orleans for Hurricane Laura and never returned it.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, to pay Tommy’s Seafood $15,000.00 to settle the invoice, but the motion died from lack of a second.
It was then moved by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried, the board approved to pay -0- to Tommy’s Seafood since he owed money to the Police Jury as well for missing totes and equipment.
The vote was recorded as follows:
YEAS: Ronald Nunez, Jr., Mark Daigle, Magnus McGee, Danny Myers, Michael Fewell, and Sam Bordelon.
NAYS: Johnny Watson
Ms. Armentor’s last item of discussion was the Fishing Pier project funded by CDBG voted on by the previous jury. She informed the jury that even though this was a project funded by CDBG the police jury would still be liable for any additional expenses such as land purchase, maintenance, electricity, water, etc., and that if they did not want to invest in this project the application would need to be withdrawn.
After further discussion, it was moved by Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, the board hereby approves to withdraw the application for the CDBG funded fishing pier.
The vote was recorded as follows:
YEAS: Ronald Nunez, Jr., Mark Daigle, Danny Myers, Michael Fewell, Sam Bordelon and Johnny Watson
NAYS: Magnus McGee
With no other discussion or action needed, it was moved by Mr. Myers, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, the budget meeting was adjourned.
RUN: Nov. 14 (N 32)