
Cameron Parish Beachfront
Development District #1
Johnson Bayou • Holly Beach
The Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Commission met in regular session on Monday, October 11, 2021, at the Johnson Bayou Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Chairman Richard Burbank, who led the pledge and prayer.
Commissioners present were Richard Burbank, Russell Badon, Michele Long, Nikki Norman, Secretary Cindy Snead, and Honorary Member James Turner. Mike Gaspard was absent. Guest was Amy Miller with Cheniere Energy.
On the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Russell Badon, and carried, the minutes for the August 9, 2021, meeting was approved as presented.
Michele Long gave an update on the “Welcome to Holly Beach” sign. Holly Beach property owner Lee Myers is working with the DOTD to get the sign placed at the intersection of Hwy 82/27. The sign will be ready for installation by the end of this month.
Nikki Norman informed the board that there were no recommendations from the Holly Beach subcommittee at this time. When asked about the recent dumpster removal, she noted that dumpsters had become a problem because residents and renters had been utilizing them instead of taking their trash to the dump as asked. As a result, beachgoers had a difficult time throwing away their trash since the dumpsters were always full. Residents, renters, and beachgoers are all asked to either take their trash to the dump or take it home with them.
Richard Burbank reported about the laws that govern the Cameron Parish beaches from the Calcasieu River to the Sabine River. Beach residents and visitors are encouraged to read the “Welcome To West Cameron Parish Beaches” pamphlet to review the Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances dealing with driving on beaches. (Pamphlet can be found on the Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Facebook page.)
•Speed limit is 10 MPH on all beaches where driving is allowed.
•There is no driving of any kind allowed in the area east of Holly Beach (Zone 1)—Calcasieu River to ? mile east of Barataria Blvd. FOOT TRAFFIC ONLY. That area is restricted due to the Cameron Parish Shoreline Protection-Sand Replenishment Project 2012. (State Law RS 38:213)
•Likewise the area to the west of Holly Beach (Zone 4) from mile marker 23.5 to Prioux Lane in Constance Beach is also restricted due to the Cameron Parish Shoreline Protection-Sand Replenishment Project 2003. FOOT TRAFFIC ONLY. (State Law RS 38:213)
Russell Badon reported that the parish has assessed and ordered replacement signs for the beaches. (Speed Limit, No Unauthorized Vehicles Beyond This Point, etc.)
Cheniere Energy generously donated 100 “Keep off Dune” and 100 “No Littering” signs to the beach board. The signs were distributed to beach representatives to be placed on the beaches from Mae’s Beach to Holly Beach. A big thanks goes out to Amy Miller with Cheniere for her help in assisting our community. She encourages the community to reach out to her with their ideas so that Cheniere can be of further assistance to the community.
Craig Broussard gave an informative update on the Beach Goals Subcommittee. The subcommittee’s guiding mission/vision statement is Preserve, Protect, and Promote the utilization of our beaches and coastlines in a safe and environmental manner. Craig also crafted a project/activity form for gathering ideas that coordinate with the mission statement. The form can be found on the Cameron Parish Beachfront Development District #1 Facebook page. The community is encouraged to fill out forms with suggestions for projects or activities and return the forms to the board. Once the forms are filled out and collected, projects/activities can be prioritized and implemented.
The next meeting will be November 8, 2021.
There being no further business, on the motion of Michele Long, seconded by Nikki Norman, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
RUN: Nov. 4 (N 1)