Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana is offering a mobile laundry and shower trailer, equipped with two showers and four washers/dryers.
Recently, CCSWLA was blessed to attend a Homelessness and Hunger Awareness event held by the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury at Pryce Miller and launched the use of this trailer.
With such a large homeless population in the Southwest Louisiana region, it is a blessing to be able to give individuals and families access to a hot shower and a way to have clean clothes. Additionally, our region has many housed families that do not have access to running water and/or hot water and washer/dryer units. These things that most of us take for granted are considered luxuries for others in our area. The choice between paying the rent for that month to keep a roof over their heads or replacing or fixing a broken washer is real.
The current schedule for the trailer is as follows:
Cameron/Creole: Sacred Heart of Jesus, 5250 West Creole Hwy., Cameron, Monday, Dec. 4, from noon-4 p.m.; Friday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed for lunch from 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
We are also looking for volunteers to assist staff with the services provided at the trailer:
- People with experience driving a diesel truck, pulling a trailer, and ability to manuveur a trailer, to move trailer from site to site and set up or take down, must have clean driving record
- Assisting with the daily duties of the trailer
- Signing clients in/out
- Laundry assistance
- Helping clients who are in need of CCSWLA’s other services
Call 337-439-7436 or email to inquire more.