Cameron Parish Library Board of Control
Regular Meeting
Hackberry Library
January 25, 2024
Board President Kathleen Simon called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board Members present were Ernest Roberts, Wendy Harrington, Kathleen Simon, and Jessica Crador. Board Members not present were Peter Posada and Beth Ferguson. Ernest Roberts led the pledge of allegiance and Wendy Harrington led the prayer.
No public comment.
On the motion by Ernest Roberts, seconded by Wendy Harrington, and carried, the Library Board voted and accepted the December minutes.
On the motion by Ernest Roberts, seconded by Jessica Crador, and carried, the Library Board voted and accepted the financial statement.
On the motion by Ernest Roberts, seconded by Jessica Crador, and carried, the Library Board voted and accepted to sign the Sworn Statement in Proof of Loss for Johnson Bayou Library.
On the motion by Ernest Roberts, seconded by Jessica Crador, and carried, the Library Board voted and accepted the quote from JAM Custom Homes in the amount of $53,012.00 to fix the Johnson Bayou Library.
On the motion by Wendy Harrington, seconded by Ernest Roberts, and carried, the Library Board voted and accepted the Consideration of COR 001 for the Cameron Main Library LOC 74 – Additional structural repair contract. Concrete honeycomb repairs needed because of discovering hidden structural failures in existing ramps, stairs, and first floor slabs. Increased contract amount by $23,037.00, increase contract time by 10 days.
There being no further business and upon the motion by Ernest Roberts, seconded by Jessica Crador, and carried, the Library Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:49 p.m.
Kathleen Simon,
Board President
Jolie Terro, Secretary
RUN: Mar. 28 (M 57)