
The Hackberry Fire Protection District 1 Board met for a regular session at the Hackberry Fire Station located at the 1025 Main Street on Monday February 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Members presents by roll call were Mr. Gerald Landry, Mr. Butch Little, Mr. Curtis Welch, Mr. Robert Silvers, and Mr. Thad Little. Police Juror, Mr. Michael Fewell was present along with District members Chief Mark Granger, Assistant Chief Brad Lester, Captain Clint Welch, Member Glenn Welch, and employee Destiny Seay. No guest attended.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Gerald Landry. The Pledge and Prayer was led by Mr. Micheal Fewell. On motion from Mr. Butch Little, seconded by Mr. Landry and carried unanimously, the minutes from December 11, 2023 were dismissed.
Chief Granger introduced new board member Mr. Thad Little and new office Admin. Ms. Destiny Seay. Chief Granger reviewed the status of projects for the district: 1. Scopes of work for contract repairs on the fire station. 2. The status and options for the new fire engine replacement. Chief Granger then reviewed Department activities and fire incidents since the last meeting.
Under new business the following was discussed:
PIAL ratings scheduled for this year were discussed.
On motion by Mr. Silvers, seconded by Mr. Butch Little and carried unanimously, the board elected to increase the firefighter per diem for meetings and trainings.
On motion by Mr. Landry, seconded by Mr. Silvers and carried unanimously, the payments for board members per meeting were established.
Board meeting between Hackberry and Johnson Bayou District 10 on Automatic Aid Agreement for structural fire was discussed and Mr. Fewell said he would be checking into it.
On motion by Mr. Silvers, seconded by Mr. Butch Little and carried unanimously, the list made by Mr. Alex Benoit with old AC and miscellaneous objects can be put in auction.
On motion by Mr. Butch Little, seconded by Mr. Silvers and carried unanimously, the old one-ton truck be sold locally.
Invoice for Ladder 1 was discussed.
On motion by Mr. Landry, seconded by Mr. Butch Little and carried unanimously, the Chief will receive a credit card consistent to the Cameron Parish Police Jury stipulations.
New purchase request was reviewed for approval: 1 . Light and sirens for the new squad truck $11,695.00.
There being no further business, on motion of Mr. Silvers, seconded by Mr. Butch Little and carried unanimously, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Curtis Fountain /
Board President
Gerald Landry /
Board Member
Lawrence “Butch” Little / Board Member
Ricky Maddox /
Board Member
Robert Silvers /
Board Member
Thad Little /
Board Member
RUN: Mar. 28 (M 52)