2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Approval of Add-Ons:
6. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
7. Other Permits:
a. Crescent Energy Services, LLC – Grand Chenier, Latitude 29 38 32.39, Longitude -92 54 1.918, (proposed to secure leaking gas well identified during field inspections approximately 3 miles offshore located at East Cameron Block 4 (SL 13336 No. 001 – SN209850. This permit was applied under the Emergency Use Authorization, EUA 22-014), Cameron Parish, LA. (220401)
8. Appointments:
a. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Appoint Nina Jones to open seat for Ward 2 for remainder of term
b. Recreation District No. 9 – Cassie LeBleu resigned, appoint Angie Theriot for remainder of term
c. Ambulance Service District No. 1 – Michael Booth, term expired
d. Ambulance Service District No. 2 – Kattie Toups, term expired
e. Mosquito Abatement Control – Robert Trahan, term expired
9. President authority to sign Resolution authorizing rural Public Transit to file an application with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for a grant under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grand for Rural Areas and 49 CFR 5310, Formula Grand for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors, and Individuals with Disabilities
10. Proclamation – Declare April 2022 as Fair Housing Month
11. Proclamation – Declare April 11-15, 2022, as National Community Development Week
12. Proclamation – Gene Reese
13. Conduct Public Hearing for Proposed Amendments to 14-60 Speed Limits for Beach Areas
Section (a.1) (1)
(a.1) Notwithstanding the above provisions; these vehicles are not allowed at the following beaches:
(1) Holly Beach area. Off-road vehicles or vehicles without a valid vehicle license are prohibited from a point one-half (1/2) mile east of Barataria Boulevard (Parish Road 502) and Beach Post #1 on the east side of Holly Beach, to a location one-half (1/2) mile west of Riveria Lane (Parish Road 513) and Beach Post #30 on the west side of Holly Beach; and
14. Authority to Amend 14-60 Speed Limits for Beach Areas
Section (a.1) (1)
(a.1) Notwithstanding the above provisions; these vehicles are not allowed at the following beaches:
(1) Holly Beach area. Off-road vehicles or vehicles without a valid vehicle license are prohibited from a point one-half (1/2) mile east of Barataria Boulevard (Parish Road 502) and Beach Post #1 on the east side of Holly Beach, to a location one-half (1/2) mile west of Riveria Lane (Parish Road 513) and Beach Post #30 on the west side of Holly Beach; and
15. Accept CPPJ Post Hurricane Restoration/Demolish Project to clear 7 multiple sites as substantially complete
16. Authority to announce to change speed limit on LaBove Road (PR 429) beginning at John Duhon Rd (PR 486) to the North End of LaBove Rd. approximately 415 feet from 25 mph to 15 mph
17. Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing publication of notice describing the geographic limits of Cameron, LA
18. Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling of an election November 8, 2022, for the consolidated levy and collection of ad valorem property taxes in lieu of existing ad valorem property taxes for the purpose of economic development and operating and maintaining all parish facilities
19. Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling an election November 8, 2022, to consider renewal of an ad valorem property tax millage for the purpose of improving, maintaining, constructing, and repairing roads and bridges in the Parish
20. Authority to advertise for Bids for the Official Journal
21. Approve Cameron Council on Aging Meal Program Appropriation of $12,000
22. Authority to advertise for sealed bids to purchase two (2) 14-yard Freightliner dump trucks with dump beds
23. Authority to advertise for sealed bids to purchase one (1) culvert cleaner
24. Change Order No. 010 – Johnson Bayou Library, Addition of Site Lighting, light poles in parking lot were overlooked until construction started. Reinstall 2 new light fixtures on the existing poles on the property, contractor will be able to re-use poles and existing wiring. Increase contract amount by $7,635.00, no change in contract time (Tabled from last month)
25. Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons
Agenda Posting Date: _ Posting Time:
Signed: __
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Mary B Carroll at (337) 775-5718, describing the assistance that is necessary.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
RUN: Mar. 24 (M 41)