FEBRUARY 7, 2020
The Cameron Parish Police Jury met in regular session on Friday, February 7, 2020, in the Cameron Parish West Annex Board Room in the Village of Cameron, Louisiana at 2:00 o’clock P.M. The following members were present: Mr. Magnus McGee, Mr. Scott Trahan, Mr. McKinley Guidry, Mr. Thomas McDaniel, Mr. Curtis Fountain and Mr. Lawrence Faulk. The following members were absent: Mr. Kirk Quinn and Mr. Joe Dupont.
There was no Public Comment on the agenda items.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, that the reading of the minutes shall be dispensed with and approved.
It was moved by Fountain, seconded by Mr. McDaniel and carried, that the board hereby approves to add the following
item to the agenda: (Item 26) Authority to advertise to hire Road & Bridge Employees for Hackberry, Grand Chenier, Creole, Cameron and Grandlake. (Item 27) Executive Session to discuss all outstanding Litigation:
Priola vs CPPJ
South Fork vs Gravity Drainage District
Carmouche vs Waterworks
Opioid Class Action
State vs Jinks
Juvenile Cases
State vs Gray
State vs Castillo
LaBove vs CPPJ
Compliance Suits
There were no Drilling & Pipeline Permits on the agenda for consideration.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried, that the applications for the following permits be and the same are hereby approved with the stipulations set forth by the respective Gravity Drainage Districts:
a. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Lat 29 46 34.31, Long 93 06 34.46 (proposed to replace LaBove Bayou West Structure No. 1 to control water flow and salinity between the Creole Canal and interior wetlands, this will result in approximately 350 cubic yards of native material to be excavated and backfilled), Cameron Parish, LA. (200201)
b. D.P. Lands – Cameron Meadows Road, Johnson Bayou, Section 28 T14S, R13W; Section 33, T14S, R13W (proposed after-the-fact permit of rock material being placed along the side of the road in several areas that has eroded), Cameron Parish, LA. (200202)
c. CPRA – West of Calcasieu Ship Channel, Hackberry, Section 11, 13-15, 22-23, T13S, R10W (proposed 53 geotechnical borings to obtain geotechnical information for the design of the CS-0085, Long Point Bayou Marsh Creation Project), Cameron Parish, LA. (200203)
d. Texas Petroleum Investment Co – Hackberry Field, Section 16, T12S, R10W (proposed removal of structures and pipelines due to facility no longer active), Cameron Parish, LA. (200204)
e. ANR Pipeline Company – East Johnson Bayou, Section 2, T12S, R13W; Section36, T14S, R13W (proposed to conduct anomaly dig repairs at three (3) sites along ANR’s existing 16-inch natural gas pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA. (200205)
f. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Grand Chenier, Section1, T15S, R6W; Section 6, T15S, R5W, (proposed cleanout of Bayou Mhire to maintain drainage outfall), Cameron Parish, LA. (200206)
g.Texas Eastern Transmission, LP – Grand Chenier, Section 24, T14S, R7W; Oak Grove, Section 36, T47S, R7W (proposed installation of natural gas transmission facilities necessary to serve Venture Global Calcasieu Pass Terminal) Cameron Parish, LA. (200207)
h.Nicholas LaRocca – Grand Lake, 1383 Parish Line Rd., Section 1, T12S, R9W, (proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for homesite to construct house pad, shop and barn pad, and driveway), Cameron Parish, LA. (200208)
It was moved by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried the board does hereby table the appointment for the Waterworks District No. Nine Board.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried the board does hereby table the appointment for the Lower Cameron Hospital District No. Two Board.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried the board does hereby appoint Cecil Clark to the open seat for the Cameron Waterworks District No. One Board.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried the board does hereby appoint Neal Conner to the open seat for the Fire Protection District No. Seven Board.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried the board does hereby appoint Kathleen Simon as the Hackberry Member to the Cameron Parish Library Board of Control.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried the board does hereby appoint Thomas McDaniel as Ex-Officio to the Cameron Parish Library Board of Control. Mr. McDaniel recused from voting.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, the board does hereby accept the resignation of Glenn Trahan from the Ambulance Service District No. Two Board, directs the secretary to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Trahan for his service to the board and appoints Callis Romero for the remainder of term.
It was moved by Mr. Guidry, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried the board hereby tables the reappointment of Ted Joanen to the Gravity Drainage District No. Eight Board.
It was moved by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Faulk and carried, the board does hereby accept the resignation of Ted Joanen from the Gravity Drainage District No. Five Board, directs the secretary to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Joanen for his service to the board and appoints Anthony Swire for the remainder of term.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. McDaniel and carried, the board does hereby authorize, empower and direct the Secretary to sign a letter of recommendation to the Governor’s Division of Administration for the Appointment to the Chenier Plain Board.
It was moved by Mr. Faulk, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, that the following proclamation is declared duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mrs. Wanita Cecil Bartie Harrison. departed this life on Sunday, December 29, 2019; and
WHEREAS, this body and the people of Cameron Parish shall be eternally indebted unto the late Mrs. Wanita Harrison for her faithful service as a board member of the Cameron Parish Library Board of Control.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Police Jury of the Parish of Cameron, Louisiana, in regular session convened on this 7th day of February, 2020, the Secretary is hereby directed to spread this resolution on the Minutes of this body and forward certified copies thereof to the family of Mrs. Harrison.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 7th day of February, 2020.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried, that the following proclamation is declared duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mrs. Phyllis Savoie Pinch departed this life on Sunday, December 29, 2019; and
WHEREAS, this body and the people of Cameron Parish shall be eternally indebted unto the late Mrs. Phyllis Pinch for her faithful service as a board member of the Cameron Parish Ambulance Service District No. One Board.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Police Jury of the Parish of Cameron, Louisiana, in regular session convened on this 7th day of February, 2020, the Secretary is hereby directed to spread this resolution on the Minutes of this body and forward certified copies thereof to the family of Mrs. Pinch.
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 7th day of February, 2020.
It was moved by Mr. Faulk, seconded by Mr. Guidry and carried, the Board hereby accepts the quoted bid with a 25% (twenty-five percent) increase for property insurance coverage for property owned and maintained by Cameron Parish Police Jury from AmRisc Insurance Company as presented by Louisiana Companies.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, the Board does hereby ratify approval of the 2020 Police Jury Meeting schedule as listed below:
Meeting Location:
Meeting Room, West Annex Building, 148 Smith Circle, Cameron LA 70631
Agenda Meetings will be @ 10:00 AM
Voting Meetings will be @ 2:00 PM
2020 Meeting Dates
Monday, January 13, 2020
Friday, February 7, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Friday, May 1, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Friday, August 7, 2020
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Friday, November 13, 2020
Thursday, December 10, 2020
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. McDaniel and carried, the President is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to sign the annual LPA Assurance Letter with (DOTD) Department of Transportation and Development.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Guidry and carried, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to pay annual dues to the Louisiana Police Jury Association in the amount of Seven thousand two hundred dollars and 00/100 cents ($7,200.00).
It was moved by Mr. Faulk, seconded by Mr. Guidry and carried, the board does hereby authorize the Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for the year ending December 31, 2019.
1 It was moved by Mr. Faulk, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, the board does hereby authorize, empower and direct the President to sign the Compliance Questionnaire with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, that the following resolution is declared duly adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Cameron Parish Police Jury in regular session convened on this 7th day of February, 2020, that:
WHEREAS, Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC and TransCameron Pipeline, LLC collectively, “Venture Global” have requested the Cameron Parish Police Jury to make an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement entered into by these parties on June 21, 2016, as amended on June 15, 2017 and May 17, 2019 (“CEA”).
WHEREAS, the Cameron Parish Police Jury has reviewed the request and determined that such proposed amendment is warranted;
THEREFORE, the Cameron Parish Police Jury hereby authorizes Magnus McGee, President to execute the following amendment to the CEA:
1. Replacing paragraph (C) of Article I with the following:
“Commencing upon the execution of this Agreement, Venture Global or its affiliate shall engage FD Stonewater, LLC (“FD Stonewater”) to act as the construction manager regarding the design, engineering and construction of the Facilities and to oversee and approve of costs related to the design, engineering and construction of the Facilities, all in accordance with a budget approved by Venture Global. Thereafter, in accordance with applicable laws, Venture Global will select, with advice and input from Venture Global, FD Stonewater, and Public Interest Parties, an architect and engineer to design and provide engineering for the Facilities, in accordance with a budget approved by Venture Global. The architectural renderings and/or design engineering for the Facilities will be reviewed by the Police Jury, Venture Global and FD Stonewater and approved by the Police Jury, following advice and input from Venture Global and FD Stonewater. The architectural renderings and/or design engineering will also be reviewed by the Public Interest Parties, who may also provide comments thereto. Following the occurrence of the Final Investment Decision, Venture Global or its affiliate will, in accordance with applicable laws, select, with advice and input from the Police Jury and FD Stonewater, a construction contractor to construct the Facilities, in accordance with a budget approved by Venture Global, pursuant to a construction contract to be entered into between the construction contractor and Venture Global or its affiliate. Venture Global or its affiliate shall pay for one hundred percent (100%) of the costs related to (a) the design, engineering, construction, and construction management of the Facilities; and (b) any modifications to the Jetty Pier necessary to continue the operation and maintenance of the Jetty Pier as a public recreation area in accordance with applicable law. Upon the completion of construction of the Facilities, the Police Jury (or its designee) shall accept an assignment of the construction contract and a transfer of title to the Facilities from Venture Global or its affiliate and assume responsibility for the Facilities.”
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 7th day of February 2020.
/s/Magnus McGee,
Cameron Parish
Police Jury
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Guidry and carried the board does hereby authorize, empower and direct the President to sign Amendment No. One (1) with Fenstermaker for Engineering Services on the GOMESA Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization Project.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried the board does hereby authorize, empower and direct the President to sign Amendment No. Thirteen (13)to the Grant Consultant Contract for the Parish Implemented Recovery Programs File No. 611-03 with Minvielle & Associates, Inc. for the Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization Project.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. McDaniel and carried, that the following resolution is declared duly adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CAMERON PARISH POLICE JURY OF CAMERON PARISH, LOUISIANA convened in regular session on this 7th day of February, 2020, that it does hereby approve the Closeout Activity Report for Agreement #PA2016-0067;
BE IT FURTHER AND FINALLY RESOLVED that the President of the Police Jury is authorized to execute all documents related thereto.
THUS DONE AND PASSED on this 7th day of February 2020.
/s/Mary B Carroll,
/s/Magnus McGee,
Cameron Parish
Police Jury
It was moved by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried the board authorizes the sale of surplus vehicles and equipment at public auction to be conducted by Guinn Auctions and hereby authorizes, empowers and directs the Secretary to publish any necessary public notices for said public auction.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried the board hereby authorizes reclassification of employees for the accounting department and the road and bridge department.
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried, the contract for Project #19-130 by and between the
Cameron Parish Police Jury and Prairie Contractors, LLC for the Cameron Parish Road Project recorded under File No. 346224, Mortgage Records of Cameron Parish, Louisiana shall accept as complete and satisfactory and the Secretary shall cause the necessary advertisement for the claims to be made in a manner and form as provided by law.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. McDaniel and carried, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to pay the January 2020 bills.
It was moved by Mr. Fountain, seconded by Mr. Trahan and carried, the Secretary is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to advertise for Road & Bridge Employees for Hackberry, Grand Chenier, Creole, Cameron, and Grandlake locations.
It was moved by Mr. McDaniel, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried, that the Jury shall go into Executive Session to discuss all out standing Litigation:
Priola vs CPPJ
South Fork vs Gravity Drainage District
Carmouche vs Waterworks
Opioid Class Action
State vs Jinks
Juvenile Cases
State vs Gray
State vs Castillo
LaBove vs CPPJ
Compliance Suits
The vote thereon was recorded as follows:
YEAS: Magnus McGee, Scott Trahan, Curtis Fountain, Thomas McDaniel, McKinley Guidry, and Lawrence Faulk
NAYS: None
ABSENT OR NOT VOTING: Kirk Quinn and Joe Dupont
It was moved by Mr. Trahan, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried, that the Jury shall return to regular session. The vote thereon was recorded as follows:
YEAS: Magnus McGee, Scott Trahan, Curtis Fountain, Thomas McDaniel, McKinley Guidry, and Lawrence Faulk
NAYS: None
ABSENT OR NOT VOTING: Kirk Quinn and Joe Dupont
The President called the meeting back to order.
No action was taken on the items, is was just an update by Cameron Parish District Attorney Jennifer Jones on all outstanding Litigation.
There being no further business, it was moved by Mr. Faulk, seconded by Mr. Fountain and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Run: March 26, 2020 (M 26)