
February 21, 2024
Gravity Drainage District No. 4 of Cameron Parish held a regular meeting at South Cameron High School, 753 Oak Grove Highway, Grand Chenier, Louisiana 70643, at 5:30 pm, on Wednesday, February 21, 2024.
Chairman Shane Broussard called the meeting to order.
Board members present for the meeting were Shane Broussard, Leslie Griffith, Dan Nunez, and Yancy Welch. Todd Morales was absent.
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried, the minutes of the Wednesday January 17, 2024, meeting were approved.
Present for the Public Comment Period was Bryon Richard with Royal Engineering. No new updates were reported.
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried the Board agreed to sign the engagement letter from Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for yearend December 31, 2023, audit.
On motion of Mr. Griffith seconded by Mr. Welch and carried, the Board accepted the financial report of January 31, 2024.
On motion of Mr. Nunez, seconded by Mr. Griffith and carried, the Board approved the following bills for payment:
1. Jeff Davis Electric – $77.62
2. Cameron Pilot – $89.00
On motion of Mr. Nunez, seconded by Mr. Welch and carried, the Board approved the following permit:
1. Permit: LCUP#240301 – Jefferson Davis Electric Cooperative (JDEC) – Location of Permit: Cameron Parish (As part of its large-scale emergency response plan, JDEC engaged in a through process of wrecking, removing, and disposing of transmission lines, distribution lines, and related assets under an emergency use authorization (EUA #21016 and P20210469)
On motion of Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Nunez and carried, the Board approved the following permit:
2. Permit: LCUP#240204 – Walter Oil and Gas – Creole, Off Highway 27, (proposes Miami Corp ADI/19834 Waskey Deck removal due to no longer in service.)
There being no further business, on a motion from Mr. Griffith, seconded by Mr. Welch and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Shane Broussard,
Leslie Griffith,
In accordance with R.S. 44:33.1, this is to notify the public that Kristie Richard, Bookkeeper, is the Custodian of Public Records for the Cameron Parish Gravity District No. Four. Any document request or public information request should be made in writing or by email to kristie_richard@yahoo.com.
RUN: Mar. 14 (M 21)