
JANUARY 8, 2024
The Cameron Parish Police Jury met in regular session on Monday, January 8, 2024, in the Cameron Parish West Annex Board Room in the Village of Cameron, Louisiana at 2:00 o’clock P.M.
Clerk of Court Susan Racca swore the newly elected jurors into office. The following members were present: Mr. Ronald Nunez, Jr., Mr. Mark Daigle, Mr. Magnus McGee, Mr. Danny Myers, Mr. Michael Fewell, Mr. Sam Bordelon, and Mr. Johnny Watson. No members were absent.
District Attorney Tom Barrett, called the meeting to order. The floor was opened for nominations for a Chairman Pro Tempore, it was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, Magnus McGee is nominated for Chairman Pro Tempore, hearing no other nominations, Mr. McGee was elected Pro Tempore of the meeting.
The floor was opened for nominations for president, it was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, Ronald Nunez, is hereby nominated for the position of president. Hearing no other nominations, the nominations were closed for the office of President.
Mr. Nunez was elected president by acclamation.
The floor was opened for nominations for vice-president, it was moved by Mr. Bordelon, seconded by Mr. Watson, Mark Daigle is hereby nominated for the position of vice-president. Hearing no other nominations, the nominations were closed for the office of vice-president.
Mr. Daigle was elected vice-president by acclamation.
The public comment period was opened to the public. One comment card was received from Mr. Giz Guilbeaux, concerning the placing of the power poles by Jeff Davis Electric.
Ms. Kim Montie, Cameron Parish Port Director, gave an update on projects overseen by the port.
Mr. Butler Bourgeois, Gallagher Insurance representative, updated the jury on building insurance that will be up for renewal in February.
The jury reviewed the voting agenda items, and the president called a 10-minute recess.
The jury reconvened and the meeting resumed.
It was moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried, the board hereby appoints Katie Armentor to the position of Parish administrator for a one-year term.
It was moved by Mr. Bordelon, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, the board hereby appoints Mary Carroll to the position of Parish secretary for a one-year term.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Myers, and carried, the board hereby appoints Kayla Johnson to the position of Parish treasurer for a one-year term.
It was moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr. Fewell, and carried, the Jury shall go into Executive Session to discuss Hurricane Insurance Litigation and Coastal Litigation. The vote thereon was as follows:
YEAS: Ronald Nunez, Mark Daigle, Magnus McGee, Danny Myers, Michael Fewell, Sam Bordelon, and Johnny Watson
NAYS: None
The president called the meeting back to order and the
Jury returned to regular session. No action was taken in executive session, it was just an update.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried, the reading of the minutes shall be dispensed with and approved.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. McGee, and carried, the applications for the following drilling and pipeline permits be and the same are hereby approved with the stipulations set forth by the respective Gravity Drainage Districts:
a. OnStream CO2, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Parish, LA. (240101)
b. ConocoPhillips Company – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Parish, LA. (240102)
It was moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, that the application for the following permit be and the same are hereby approved with the stipulations set forth by the respective Gravity Drainage Districts:
a. Apache Corporation – Grand Chenier, Cameron Parish, LA. (240103)
It was moved by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried, that the application for the following permit be and the same are hereby approved with the stipulations set forth by the respective Gravity Drainage Districts:
b. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Grand Chenier, Cameron Parish, LA. (240104)
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, the board hereby accepts the resignation of Ronald Nunez, Jr., from the E-911 Board, authorizes the secretary to send a letter of appreciation for his service to the board and appoints Joey Babineaux for the remainder of term.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. McGee, and carried, the board hereby accepts the resignation of Michael Fewell, from the Waterworks District No. Two Board, authorizes the secretary to send a letter of appreciation for his service to the board and appoints Brian Brown for the remainder of term.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. McGee, and carried, the board hereby accepts the resignation of Ricky Maddox from the Hackberry Fire District No. One Board, authorizes the secretary to send a letter of appreciation for his service to the board and appoints Thad Little for the remainder of term.
It was moved by Mr. Bordelon, seconded by Mr. Watson, and carried, the board hereby reappoints Beth Fergerson to the Library Board of Control.
It was moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried, the board hereby accepts the resignation of Heath Jinks from the Johnson Bayou Recreation District Board, authorizes the secretary to send a letter of appreciation for his service to the board and appoints Adam Young for the remainder of term.
It was moved by Mr. McGee, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried, the president is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to sign the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with SWLAHEC to staff the Cameron Parish Health Unit through December 2024.
It was moved by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried, Resolution No. 1186 was declared duly adopted.
It was moved by Mr. Bordelon, seconded by Mr. Daigle, and carried, the board hereby approves the following meeting schedule for 2024.
Meeting Location:
Meeting Room, West Annex Building
148 Smith Circle, Cameron LA 70631
Agenda Meetings will be at 10:00 AM
Voting Meetings will be at 11:00 AM
2024 Meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
February 14, 2024
March 13, 2024
April 10, 2024
May 8, 2024
June 12, 2024
July 10, 2024
August 14, 2024
September 11, 2024
October 9, 2024
November 13, 2024
December 11, 2024
It was moved by Mr. Watson, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried the board hereby approves the following holidays:
February – December 2024
Tuesday, February 13th Mardi Gras
Friday, March 29th Good Friday
Monday, May 27th Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 19th Juneteenth
Thursday, June 27th Audrey Memorial Day
Thursday, July 4th Independence Day
Monday, September 2nd Labor Day
Monday, October 14th Columbus Day
Monday, November 11th Veteran’s Day
Thursday, November 28th Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 29th Acadiana Day
Monday, December 23rd Christmas Holiday
Tuesday, December 24th Christmas Eve Holiday
Wednesday, December 25th Christmas Day
1/2 DAYS
Wednesday, November 27th Day before Thanksgiving
Tuesday, December 31st New Years Eve
It was moved by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Fewell, and carried, the board hereby approves the ratification of the lease signed with the LA. Fur & Wildlife Festival on December 6, 2023, by the Parish administrator.
The following plan changes were offered by Mr. Bordelon, seconded by Mr. Watson, and declared duly adopted:
LOC 59, 37
Change Proposal COR 001 – Increase contract amount by $7,924.00 for additional wood framing, no change in contract time.
Change Proposal COR 003 – Increase contract amount by $1,107.00 for additional fencing due to adjustments in septic tank sewer piping, increase contract time by 1 day.
Change Proposal COR 004 – Increase contract amount by $2,905.00 for electrical power to septic tank due to BFP relocation, increase contract time by 3 days.
It was moved by Mr. Daigle, seconded by Mr. Fewell, and carried, the board hereby accepts the monthly financial statements and budget to the actual comparison report.
It was moved by Mr. Fewell seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried, the treasurer is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to pay December 2023 bills.
There being no further business, it was moved by Mr. Watson, seconded by Mr. Bordelon, and carried, the meeting was declared adjourned.
RUN: Mar. 7 (M 13)