By Jeffra Wise DeViney
Cameron Parish School Board met on Monday Apr. 15 at 5 p.m. at 510 Marshall St., Cameron for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
The following school board members were in attendance: Marsha Trahan, Dist. 1; Mitchell Kelly, Dist. 4; Vickie Kiffe, Dist. 5; Telesha Bertrand, Dist. 3; and Sharon Picou, Dist. 6. School board members who were absent were: Christi LaBove, Dist. 2, Joseph Delcambre, Dist. 7; and Randall Faulk, Dist. 8.
After the meeting was called to order by President Sharon Picou the Prayer and Pledge were said.
Members moved to approve the agenda and the board minutes of the Mar. 18, 2024 regular meeting and the Mar. 26, 2024 special called meeting of the Cameron Parish School Board.
Mrs. Kathy Hayes went over financial issues and the board moved to approve authorization of payment of the bills.
Motion was approved by the Board to allow RES regarding Johnson Bayou BP property to withdraw their bid with the understanding that they reimburse advertising costs.
The Board accepted the only Bid submitted for collection of approximately 1750 alligator eggs on School Board property (West of the Calcasieu River to the Sabine River) for the amount of $14,000. The bid was awarded to Tommy Strodderd.
Insurance Issues were presented by Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. and the Board approved renewal of the following coverages: Pollution (includes mold); Boiler & Machinery; Property;Violent Malicious Acts; Disaster Management Services;Terrorism – both Liability and Property; Cyber Liability (Covers the school district’s exposure related to privacy breach, digital restoration, security liability, release of student records, etc.)
James Hoffpauir, Project Management gave a report on current construction activities and FEMA Review.
The Board gave approval for request to South Cameron High School Out of State travel for the Yearbook Class to travel to The Houston Zoo and lunch at the Aquarium Restaurant, in Houston, Texas on May 7, departing at 7:45 a.m and returning to school around 7:30 p.m.
Funding was approved by the Board for four students to attend National FBLA Conference being held in Orlando, Fla. June 25-July 3 at $500 per student.
The Board approved taking action regarding 13th check allocation for the 2023-24 fiscal year at 4.5%.
Meeting was adjourned.