
Cameron Parish Mosquito
Abatement District No. 1
Thursday, April 21, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of Cameron Parish Mosquito Abatement District No. 1 was held at 5:00 p.m., April 21, 2022, at the Grand Lake Library. Board members present were Mitchel Kelley, Thomas Cox, Marck Smythe and Dede Sanders. Gregory Gray, Karl Styron, and Robert Trahan were absent. Robert Trahan did participate by phone.
The meeting was called to order by Thomas Cox, who then asked for the reading of the minutes from the last meeting, January 24, 2022. A motion was made by Dede Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried that the minutes be approved as printed. A motion was made by Dede Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to approve the financial statement.
In new business, the annual inspection for the district’s airplane was discussed. Delivery, parts, and supply issues are causing extended time to complete the annual inspections this year. The district’s airplane is nearly two months behind the scheduled date for starting the inspection due to the back log. Mitchell Kelley made a motion, seconded by Dede Sanders, and carried to allow the director to utilize the emergency aerial contract at his discretion while the district’s airplane is getting its annual inspection.
Then the purchase of Mosquito Mist II discussed before it is no longer available due to not being reregistered for manufacturing. A motion was made by Dede Sanders, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to purchase 50 drums of Mosquito Mist II to be held at Clarke warehouse until we need it at our bid price of $3,790.05 per drum. The district will have through 2027 to use the product.
Next the warehouse plans were discussed as well as the parish ordinance concerning the location of the district’s office.
The next meeting will be decided at a later date. There being no further business, Dede Sanders made a motion, seconded by Mitchel Kelley, and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Thomas Cox, President
Gregory Gray, Secretary
RUN: July 28 (Jy 35)