Cameron Parish Recreation District 5 held its regularly scheduled meeting on July 18, 2024 at 6:00 pm.
Board President Tremayne Picou called the meeting to order and on roll call the following members were present: Kris Howerton, Thomas Cox, Jacob Babcock and Kayla Conner.
Absent: None
Employees in attendance were Lisa Ledano
Guests present: Mitch Thomas (K & M Project Services, LLC)
A draft of the minutes of the previous meeting, June 20, 2024, was distributed to all board members via electronic mail prior to the meeting. Thomas Cox made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Jacob Babcock seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Old Business:
Public comment – time was allowed for public comment prior to voting on all agenda items
Hiring office manager – Jacob Babcock stated that no progress has been made since the last meeting. Kris Howerton made a motion to post the job opening on the Recreation Districts Facebook page with July 31st being the deadline for applications. Kayla Conner seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
New Business:
Public comment- time was allowed for public comment prior to voting on all agenda items
2025 election – cost and date – Tremayne Picou explained to the board that the earliest available election ballot to add the tax proposal to is March 2025. At this time, our tax proposal is the only item on the ballot. The cost is estimated to be approximately $18,000.00. The next election would be in the fall of 2025. The cost to be on the fall ballot is approximately $5,000.00. Jacob Babcock made a motion to proceed with the March election date. Kris Howerton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Mitch Thomas with K & M Project Services, LLC provided updated renderings of the proposed facility. The board members reviewed the renderings and discussed the possibility of adding a splash pad to the renderings. Mitch stated that he will update the renderings and will send the renderings in digital format to Tremayne Picou. The board discussed various places in the community to put the renderings on display.
The board members present reviewed the invoices for the month of June 2024. Jacob Babcock made a motion to approve the bills. Thomas Cox seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
The financial statement for the month of June 2024 was distributed to all board members via electronic mail prior to the meeting. Kris Howerton made a motion to accept the financial statement as presented. Thomas Cox seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
With no further business to discuss, Thomas Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kayla Conner seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Public comment: none.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Lisa Ledano.
R.S. 44:33.1 – Public records can be obtained by contacting Lisa Ledano at 108 Recreation Lane Lake Charles, LA 70607
RUN: July 25 (Jy 28)