
Cameron Parish Waterworks District #7 met in special session, May 19, 2022 at 5:30 p.m., at the Waterworks #11 Office in the town of Sweetlake.
Members present: Michelle Trahan, Kimily Bourriaque, Lula LeBlanc, Robin Morales.
Member absent: Gabe LaLande
Guests present: Scott Trahan, Katie Armentor
Michelle Trahan called the meeting to order.
Lula LeBlanc made a motion to nominate Michelle Trahan as president; it was seconded by Kimily Bourriaque.
Kimily Bourriaque nominated Robin Morales as vice president; it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
Kimily Bourriaque made a motion to consolidate Waterworks 1, 7, 9, for the purpose of accepting the Water Sector Program funds and Authority to sign any and all relevant documentation, it was seconded by Lula LeBlanc.
Michelle Trahan made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Kimily Bourriaque.
/s/ Michelle Trahan
Michelle Trahan
R.S. 44:33.1 Public records can be obtained by contacting Mary Canik at 337-775-2603
RUN: June 23 (Ju 40)