
Lower Cameron Ambulance
Service District
Board of Commissioners Meeting
February 23, 2022
Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mary D. Booth.
Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer were led by Mrs. Booth.
Board Roll call: Present – Mary Booth, Christine Mooney, Melissa Kiffe, Jo Ann Nunez.
Mrs. Booth read the agenda aloud. No amendments to the agenda were proposed.
Mrs. Kiffe motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting, November 9, 2021. Second by Ms. Mooney. None opposed. Motion carried.
Director, Byron Broussard presented the director’s report for November and December which included, call volume reports, payments received on accounts, expense reports, cash asset report, and tax revenues received. A balance sheet was presented and reviewed. Expense reports were reviewed and signed by each present member. An account adjustment report was presented and signed by the meeting chairperson.
Mr. Broussard updated the board on Hurricane Laura supplemental insurance settlements received and the repair work that has been done thus far.
Mrs. Kiffe motioned to approve and accept the director’s report. Second by Ms. Mooney. None Opposed. Motion carried.
Mr. Broussard discussed the renewal of the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for dispatching services. The district is being asked to increase its payment for dispatch services from $20,000. to $50,000.
Ms. Nunez motioned to table the CEA until the district meets with a representative from the Sheriff’s office to discuss the terms of the contract.
The board discussed adjusting the pay scale and per diem. Mrs. Kiffe motioned to increase yearly employment anniversary raises to $.20 per hour, effective January 1, 2022 and to increase the daily per diem to $30 effective immediately. Clerical employee anniversary raise to $.35 per hour per year. Second by Ms. Nunez. None opposed.Motion carried.
The board discussed the sale of the surplus vehicle, a 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe. Ms. Mooney suggested to contact the local fire departments to see if they have a need for such a vehicle. Mrs. Kiffe motioned to table the matter until the fire chief is contacted. Second by Ms. Mooney. None opposed. Motion carried.
Mr. Broussard gave an update on the repairs in Grand Chenier. The police jury sent an employee to access the damage and determine what is needed. The police jury will do the repairs and invoice the district for the work.
The next meeting date was set for April 20, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.
Mrs. Kiffe motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second by Ms. Mooney. None opposed. Meeting adjourned.
RUN: June 2 (Ju 4)