
NOTICE FOR BIDS HHS Gym Floors # 2023-09-09
The CAMERON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD will receive sealed bids until the hour of 2:00 p.m., Monday, July 24, 2023, for the furnishing of replacement of gym floors at Hackberry High School.
A detailed bid list and specification packet shall be obtained from the Cam.eron Parish School Board Office, 510 Marshall St., Cameron, LA 70631 or by emailing stevie_barnett@camsch.org.
All bids must be submitted on or before the above date and time. Each bid must be placed in an envelope, sealed and marked on the outside, “HHS Gym Floors Bid # 2023-09-09” the sealed envelope shall bear the name and address of the bidder, and marked to the Attention of Anna Murphy-Pur.chasing Agent. Mailed/hand delivered bids should be sent to the above address.
Bid price on all items should be the delivery and installation price to Hack-berry High School, 1390 School Street., Hackberry, LA 70645.
Bids may also be submitted by electronic means security/password protected to: www.centralbidding.com ensuring the following information is included on all pages of all correspondence:
Vendor Name as registered with Louisiana Secretary of State-Corporation Database Vendor Sales Representative and contract number(s) Formal Bid # .Bid due Date and Time
The School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted. CAMERON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD JU 34 Runs 6_22 , 29 & 7_6