
The Cameron Parish Waterworks District No. 10 met in regular session at the Waterworks office located at 6246 Gulf Beach Hwy. in Johnson Bayou on Monday, May 8, at 5:00 p.m. Members present by roll call were Connie Trahan, Kent Carlson, Bobbie Trahan, Mark Young, and Nathan Griffith. Members absent were none. Employees attending were Rhonda Morrison, Carl Trahan, and Aaron Jinks. The guests attending were Michelle George with the Cameron Parish Tax Assessors office and Police Juror Sonny McGee.
It was moved by Mr. Griffith to call the meeting to order.
The pledge was said by all present and the prayer was led by Mr. Griffith.
Public Comment period was given on all agenda items No comment was given.
It was moved by Mr. Young seconded by Mr. Carlson and carried to accept the April minutes as read.
Michelle George presented an Amendment No. 2 Cooperative Endeavor and Payment in Lieu of Tax Agreement with Sabine Pass LNG. It was moved by Ms. Bobbie Trahan to authorize President Nathan Griffith to sign the Amendment. No public comment was made. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Connie Trahan and carried.
The water tower rebuild was discussed. A final answer hasn’t been received from Environmental on the rebuild at the new location. The Cameron Parish Police Jury is investigating exemptions in the CBRS (Coastal Barrier Resource System).
President Nathan Griffith presented a work order with Fenstermaker to provide engineering services associated with field data collections and analysis of the existing system and provide alternative solutions to increase residual pressure and flows from the Hackberry Treatment facility to the Holly Beach site. It was moved by Mr. Young to authorize President Nathan Griffith to sign the work order. No public comment was given. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carlson and carried.
It was moved by Ms. Bobbie Trahan, seconded by Mrs. Connie Trahan, and carried to approve the bank statements and monthly financial statement.
It was moved by Mr. Young, seconded by Mrs. Connie Trahan, and carried to approve the bills as paid.
With no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mr. Griffith to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.
m. R.S. 44:33.1 – Public records can be obtained by contacting Rhonda Morrison at (337) 569-2110 or 6246 Gulf Beach Hwy. in Johnson Bayou, Louisiana.
Nathan Griffith – President
Connie Trahan – Secretary
Ju 28 RUN: June 15